chapter 32

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I opened my eyes in response to the loud voices of two people arguing. I immediately close it because blurriness is all i could see.

".... Please doesn't mean marry Hudah" i heard Kaleem yelled.

Why was he yelling? Where are we? Who is he with? I began questioning my brain.
Wedding, party, Yusuf, Kaleem, strawberry cake, allergy, unconsciousness-- were the hints it gave me. I immediately remembered what happened and what remains is for me to know where i am and who Kaleem was yelling at.

"Then what do you think yah Yasmeenah's please means yah Leem? And that too while joining our hands?" The girl replied in a calm voice.

I slowly opened my eyes again and tilted my head to the side looking at the standing figure of Kaleem with his back facing me and the girl is standing in front of him wearing a nurse uniform, but i couldn't see her face because Kaleem is much taller than her hence blocking her from my view.

"Your sister once asked me this when she had a fight with your father about her career. He tried to get her married to me shortly after I introduced myself to them but she refused and insisted on graduating first or she will just break the alliance. she even stopped talking to me for some days but we later reconcile, that's when she asked me to please take care of you! Because similar thing could happen with you and she is not sure if you could stand for yourself. And not only that, she always says that her and your mother are all you have, so she entitled me to take care of you even when she's not here and that's what happened!" He explained flatly.

I heard the girl scoffed after Kaleem finished his explanation.
"So you couldn't get the message behind her words?" She spoke.

"She will never make her love promise to marry you while she was still alive, no matter how much she loves you. Because she didn't know she was dying" retorted Kaleem.

"What if she already knew? That you are planning to kill her!"

"Hudah!" He barked raising his hand in the air.
she closes her eyes tightly waiting for the slap to land on her cheek.
Kaleem was never violent, I'm sure that he wouldn't entertain hurting a girl and he will regret it later even if he did, so i made an effort to stop him.

"Yah Kaleem!" I called in a low and shaky voice.

He turned to look at me so Hudah also did the same by peeping from behind Kaleem and that gave me a chance to see what she looks like.

She's a little chubby but really pretty! Even prettier than Fadilah that Yusuf seemed to be dating now.
So Yasmeenah must also be very pretty. I thought. Even though I once saw her portrait in Kaleem's painting room but I'm sure she must be prettier in person.

He rushed over to me and started checking on my face.
"Noor you are awake?" He asked sounding concerned.
"Are you okay? How are you feeling?"

I closed my eyes tightly bitting my lower lip in pain.

"Yah Kaleem it hurts" i cried.

"What?!" He exclaimed, "what hurts? Your back? You are not also going to die are you?"

"No it's my stomach" i continued in tears "it's hurting so badly and my face is itchy, i want to scratch on it"

"No don't scratch it okay? The doctor will make it stop, let me call them for you" he says and turned to Hudah.

"Call any available doctor" he instruct.

She hesitated for a while, staring at Kaleem before she turned to leave. However She's still a nurse so she must tend to his commands.

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