chapter 7

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Dedicated to KingMoha thanks for the support i really appreciate it 🥰

There is always a rift in relationship whenever one favor someone over another, even if you love one soul the most, atleast don't let it show.


I was surprised and proud of myself at the same time when i didn't cry in Yusuf's presence. But i broke down as soon as he's left the room.

It's strange that he'd come back at the perfect time when I thought would be great if i took my revenge on him, but instead I'm feeling really bad for treating him in such a way. Yes. He deserved it but I can't deny that i still have some crumbs of feelings left for him.

Husnah stared at me for a while, crying my eyes out. She squats so she can see my face, and used her fingers to wipe my tears. "It's okay Noor. You are fine" she assured.

When in need of a comfort and got one, i grabbed Husnah's arms into mine and cuddle myself into her then burst out another verse of cry.

"I hate seeing him Husnah, i hate it when he looks into my eyes and calls my name. Why did he came back all of sudden? Why not 4 years ago when I was patiently waiting for him? Why is it when I decided to move on? Did it delight Yusuf so much to see me so sad?" I said between gritting teeth.

Husnah pushed herself a little away from me then turned to face me?
"What? Didn't you do all that you did to get back to him? I thought you wanted him back to you. And you will be happy on seeing him again that's why i brought him to you"

"I wanted to get back at him not to him Husnah! I wanted to take my revenge on Yusuf that's why i risked my life to get here. I was going to search the whole world and look for him even if he didn't show up though. Revenge is a must."

"This is not right" Husnah said standing up. "This is not who you are Noor, don't let hatred change you, from a kind woman with a delicate heart to something i cannot describe. Please"

I didn't say anything further, because talking about this issue is not the best option right now, we might just end up fighting again.
I just lay flat on the floor, my face facing the ceiling and coldness of the floor radiating my body but i didn't bother, hopefully it won't affect my stitches.

The day went on gloomy, and Husnah spend the night there to make sure i was moody okay before she went to college early morning the next day.

"Thanks" i said with a paint smile as i handed the glass of remaining water back to the nurse after i swallowed half of my pills and hid half under my pillow.

A knock came at the door and she went to check it, leaving the room afterwards. Lailah appeared behind it grinning.

"Hi Nimrah's mom" i greeted waving a hand at her.
She laughed and let her way inside.

"How are you feeling my sister in-law?"

I slowly shook my head scrunching my face.
"I feel abandoned like a cursed castle."

"Ohh sorry, i was not able to make it here these days. Nimrah has high fever and so do i. But I'm here with someone today"

"Someone I'd not know about?"

She smirks wagging her eyebrows "yeah! Someone special you'd love seeing"

"Please let me see this someone" i request eagerly.

"On it!." She snapped her fingers and exited the room, two seconds later she appeared behind a man on a wheelchair pushing him.

He's fair and has a soft look, his eyes big, nose pointy and lips flat, giving him the complete innocent look. He deeply resemble Kaleem but did not share that fiercing eyes that makes Kaleem looks arrogant all the time.

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