Kaleem's POV
"What? you what?" I asked scrunching my face.
"I said I miss her" repeated Khaleel.
"Why would you miss her?" I demanded scowling.
Khaleel turned to look at me then to Noor who was also looking at me, then back to me again raising an eyebrow in need for explanation. And everyone else was.
"Why couldn't I miss her?" He asked back "She's my sister bro, my lifeline! I'm still breathing just because of her"
"But your wife was here but you didn't say you missed her, and now, suddenly, out of nowhere, you are telling Noor that you missed her?" I finished scoffing "ugh! Unbelievable"
"What's wrong with you yah Kaleem?" Asked Habeeb.
I rolled my eyes "Nothing! Nothing" and stood up from my chair "carry on missing each other, i have better things to do"
"Your lifeline. Hmm, lifeline. Let's see how you're gonna end with your lifeline," i mumbled as i left the dining room.
Aneel joined me shortly in my living room.
"What's the meaning of what you did there?" he asked as he was descending the stairs.
"What did I do?" I groan stretching my legs over the armchair.
"You acted like someone was about to kiss your wife" he commented sitting on the seat next to mine.
I lifted my head up to look at him "don't i have the right to react to what I'm feeling? They were just irritating me with their talk. He was like;
'are you too busy to come and welcome your medium brother?'"_I stated mimicking Khaleel's soft voice while making a funny face.
"And the stupid girl was just standing there blushing" i rolled my eyes and hissed. "ughh they were disgusting""So you were disgusted?" Asked Aneel.
"Absolutely!" I exclaimed glad that someone atleast understands me.
"But it looks more like you were jealous" i quickly sat up upon hearing what Aneel says. Me? Jealous? Of that stupid girl?
"You must be mad" i glare at him but he kept averting his gaze so that he will not see my expression.
"I mean why will you mind just because someone says he misses his sister? It's okay to miss your sister, even you can say you miss Noor, she's your sister" he explained grabbing the remote from the table and changing the tv channel.
Knowing that my looks can't kill Aneel, i laid back on the armchair with my face facing the ceiling.
"Count me out, I will never miss that foolish girl""But you are jealous of her" he said.
I sat back again, feeling the urge to throw abuses on Aneel but i hold myself back and keep sighing to calm myself down.
That's what he wanted, to make me furious so that he could keep teasing me."Here, take this" he says
"What the f.." I furiously started. Aneel is really trying my patience.
"What the what Angry bird? Take it it's your IV to farouq's dinner party. It's a couple card though so we gotta pick dates or we embarrass ourselves, like 30 years old us with no wives nor girlfriends" He handed me the designed envelope as he explained.
I opened the envelope to find two cards resting inside, i pulled them out inspecting them. One is in golden color with red design and the other is pure red with golden design, i assumed the golden one is for the guys while the red one is for the ladies. the card contains the seat numbers and dressing color code is strictly to the invitation card.

My Lifeline
Romance"i will give you my kidney and i want luxury life in return" Everyone stared at me jaw dropped, puzzled, I'm just a passerby how can I just stick my nose into something that's none of my business? Did i think their son's life is a joke? I can tell b...