chapter 62

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I ran as fast as i could, i ran to meet my ill fate, it feels like I'm used to this, losing all i have is nothing new to me but i pray i will escape it this time.

"Wait brother" Habeeb grab my arm gazing at my panic expression weirdly.
"Where are you going? What happened?!"

I parted my trembling lips, i want to talk but I can't get my tongue to cooperate with me. Standing here is equal to wasting the last minutes i have, i need to go and save Noor and Khaleel.

I snatch my arm and opened the main door wide and exited through it. My vision is now blurry yet i manage to make my way to my car and speed out of the house before Habeeb who ran after me could join me, hitting the half opened gates wider and set onto the road.


It's the same hospital i was lost once that wants to repeat it's trick on me. The only thing I'm sure of now is, if i lose Noor the same way i lose Yasmeenah, i can never heal this time.

"Ibrahim Ali Omar and Noor Ali Omar please!!" I get myself to finally speak at the reception.

"They are there" a nurse pointed at a direction and i followed it.

I get to see Khaleel's face through the glass cutting and he's covered in blood with his eyes closed as they're changing him into surgery gown. It seems like he's not even breathing, what if he's dying without them knowing?.
"it will be unfortunate leaving all of you, I'm really happy with our bonding right now. Just a little longer, i want to enjoy it just a little longer Yaya"
i remembered what he told me just 2 days ago.

Did he already feel it coming?.

"Innalillahi wa inna ilaihirraji'un" is all i can get my lips to chant. As i collapse back on the waiting chair behind me feeling a burning sensation in my heart. If Khaleel is this bad then how about Noor? How hurt is she?. I feel my heart breaks as tears started flowing from my eyes.

I managed to get back on my feet, absentmindedly wiping my tears with my sleeve just like Noor always does and it reminds me of her.
I took a deep breath and was about to barge into the room when someone calls from behind. I turned to see Hudah in her nurse uniform.

"Here you have to hurry and sign the surgery papers" she handed me a pen and i hardly got myself to sign the agreement papers as i was shaking all the time.

"Where's Noor?"

"We're getting her ready for the surgery"

Just then they came pushing her towards the theatre room. Her face is also half covered in blood but did not seemed as bad as Khaleel. She's lifelessly lying there groaning in pain. Her right hand swinging down dripping blood.
My brain just started picturing Yasmeenah in similar situation on her last day in this dunya even though I really don't want to, i don't want to put that thought that Noor won't survive into my head but the situation is so similar.

I ran to her as the door to the theatre room opened.
"Noorie!!" I squatted in front of her and cupped her face rubbing my thumb lightly by the side of her busted lips.

"...Sorry" she whispered in a husky voice tears trailing by the side of her face.

"It's ok, don't apologise for anything because I'm sure you will be fine insha Allah just...."

"We're getting late Kaleem" Hudah dragged my arm to stop me as they also pushed her inside followed by Khaleel.

"Stop! I want to talk to her"

"You will after she survives the surgery"

"And what if she doesn't?" i snap Angrily.

"My sister also doesn't survive it, and I don't get the chance to talk to her after her surgery" she stated and my shoulder falls, feeling weak weak again. "You have to stop acting stupid If you want us to save your woman this time" she turned and followed the operation team into the theatre room.

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