chapter 46

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Stop giving me butterflies please yah Kaleem. I winced trying to calm those goosebumps.

Noticing that the driver is intentionally listening to our conversation, he lean over a little. "There's no need to say sorry for using something that's already yours. I'm all yours Noorie(my light), completely!" He whispered in my ears making me to shudder.

Noorie? Oh my butterflies!

At this point, i might completely give in if i don't control myself so i pulled my hand away from his grip, and moved away from him.

He frowned "You don't like me touching you?"

I quickly shook my head " that's..not.. that's..."

"It's okay" he turned his head to the side watching outside the window. We are moving at very slow speed because our convoy is very long even dominating the whole street as Aneel and Zahra are also with us, we are having the event at the same venue.

I slowly slid my fingers back into his and intertwined our fingers again making him turn surprisingly.
"I'm sorry" i utter with my head dung.

I heard him chuckled before he raised our hands and kissed the back of my hand.
"It's okay" he said again with a smile. And i smiled back shyly playing with the edge of my fabric with my free hand.

"And you're looking so beautiful today. both in the morning, afternoon and now"

"Afternoon?" I looked up at him surprised, because as far as i know i hadn't met him at all in the afternoon, we haven't even talked. How did he knows what i looked like in the afternoon?.

"Yes, i have a spy that sent me a picture of you, like hundreds of them" he smirked.

"Wow, i hope he didn't sent you the ugly ones"

He shrugged "I don't think so, cause you are not ugly today"

"Then was i ugly before?"


I scowled and forcefully snatch my hand from his grip and turned my back on him. while he laughed and reach for my hand again.
Thought i tried to refuse, he still manage to put back his fingers in between mine and place it on his lap and he holds it like that for the rest of the night.


The dinner party went well and ended by 12pm. It was almost same as the governor's son's dinner or even bigger, better and fancier because we have double brides and grooms. I didn't seize to check out the decorations, luxury, food, refreshments and the tons of money that was sprayed on us that it's smell almost makes me nauseous.

There were people of different shades from different continents there. Starting from Kaleem's Arab school friends, Zahra's Turkish school friends, Aneel's Indian School friends. and those that I can't distinguish where they came from by mere look.

I was dozing off in the car when Kaleem entered after he bid farewell to his friends.

I woke up when he started removing my earrings and bangles. And he was so close only few centimeters apart. I blinked at him unable to say anything, and he moved back after catching the hint.

"You're back?" I finally spoke.

"Yeah, I'm sorry for taking so long and kept you sleeping in the car that you even drooled"

I quickly put my hand to wipe under my mouth,

"Am i really drooling? Oh i never drooled what's happening to me?"

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