chapter 43

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I dedicate this chapter to RedfoxKhan8 much love dearie ❤️


I saw him from afar, sitting in front of the blazing fire, which light illuminates his handsome face. It's him! My macho Man, my soon to be husband, whom is now my biggest fear and strength.

I sighed and walks to him.
I seated myself a little bit distant to him, stealing glances at him. We've not seen each other in just a day, but i miss him like crazy!
I seriously don't know how much i love Kaleem, but I'm sure i love him enough to give up the whole world for him.

He cleared his throat to get rid of the tension in the air. Shifting in his seat and turning his attention to me.

"How was the event?" He started.

"It was good" i answered trying my best not to show any obvious expression.

How can he let me do things on my own and dared to ask me how the event was running! It's not like I'm getting married to myself and not to him.

"Do you need anything?"

I frowned and shook my head "no"

"No you should tell me if you need anything for the wedding, whatever it is just tell me" he insisted.

"No, I'm okay thanks"

"Okay, i will send some money to your account later" he smiled a little.

I threw him a deadly glare but he lost his attention to his phone to notice.

"No it's really ok, I've got everything already, more than I've ever needed" i stated dryly.

"Noor, are you sad?" He questioned, concerned.

I pouted and shook my head "no, I'm actually happy, more happier than I should be.
What is it that you want to tell me?"

"Are you sure?" He raised an eyebrow, ignoring my question.

I rolled my eyes before answering "yes of course. Please tell me why you call me here, they're looking for me inside" i stated and turn away from his gaze.

He hesitated. And when he was about to speak we heard shouts and screams from the from the front house.

He stood up abruptly when the screams grows bigger and we head there, with me following behind.


My eyes grows wider when i saw Yusuf fighting the guards and shouting mine and Kaleem's name, i scoffed and ran to him, yelling at the guards to let him be.

"What are you doing here, at this time of the night Yusuf?" I asked, panting a little.

He glared at Kaleem that's standing behind me with his hand folded over his chest before he turns his attention back to me.

"You did not only abandon my calls but you also restrict me from coming to your house! Noor, really? Are you going to throw me away this hard?"

I scrunch my face, confused " what are you saying Yusuf? Why would i do that?"

"I did it!" answered Kaleem from behind "i restrict you from coming into our home" he added, and we all turned to him, dumbfounded.

"I don't think you have the right to do that?" Yusuf protested.

"I have! It's my house" he depends sternly.

"You know definitely I'm not coming here to meet you or enjoy your luxurious home!. You only see me here because Noor is here, my Noor!"

Kaleem quickly pulled me by my hijab to stand behind him while he stepped forward and grab Yusuf by his collar.

"Don't ever call her that, she isn't yours. Noor is my wife and she only belongs to me!" He said between gritting teeth, his eyes suddenly turning red.

"Wife-TO-BE" Yusuf corrected as Kaleem always does to Aneel. "And nobody said that i can't stop the wedding, because you have no right to be with my lov...." Yusuf didn't get to finish when Kaleem threw him a punch in his face and his mouth immediately busted.

"Your love my foot!! How dare you?" He started beating up Yusuf and the huge crowd that gathered around stepped to separate them while some started recording the unfavorable scene on their phones.

Kaleem is not a lowly life like Yusuf and i know this will definitely tarnish his image, so i tried to pull him away.
"Yah Kaleem stop it!" I yelled, and just like that he freed Yusuf.

Yusuf used his sleeve to wipe off the blood from his busted mouth and glared at Kaleem who's now standing behind me while i act as a shield for him.
"We need to talk Noor" he says trying to calm himself down.

"There's nothing to talk about Yusuf, just leave. It's over between us, I'm getting married Kaleem has already paid my dowry, what remains is only the Nikkah. and not only you, even the whole world can't stop it insha Allah" i declared and headed back inside, now with Kaleem following behind."


Kaleem's phone rang as soon we entered and he furiously picked it shouting at the recipient.

"I swear it will be the end of you once you allow Hudah back into this country! No matter what it takes just make her stay there until after the wedding, cancel the flights from Egypt to Nigeria or buy the whole remaining tickets and make her stay longer. I don't care what you do, i will pay for everything. Just don't allow her back here" he finished and cut the call, breathing heavily.

He turned to me, wanting to vent out all his anger on me he started "why did you have to go and meet that guy? Why did you have to talk to him?"

"Isn't losing me to you enough reason for him to need an explanation" i answered in a calm manner because fighting him again won't help, he's angry enough as it is.

He opened his mouth to speak but couldn't and scoffed instead hissing repeatedly while he tried his best to calm himself.

"Yah Kaleem sit down" i offered the seat beside me. He hesitated but did as i said. "Calm down okay? You have no reason to be angry at Yusuf, he's already a loser right? You're the winner, you beat him up and I'm still going to marry you right?"

He smiled surprised that I'm supporting him even after what he did just now.

I smiled back just to comfort him not because I'm happy about him maltreating Yusuf.
"Now what is it that you're trying to tell me earlier? We have to be fast because I'm going to my uncle's tonight, they will bring me back after the wedding is done" i informed him.

He scratch the back of his head "oh, is that it?"

I can tell he's anxious about something but I can't tell what it is.

"So i was saying..." He started saying after hesitating a little bit, but was stopped by his ringing phone.

When he displayed it to himself to check i could see the name HUDAH written, but he disconnected it immediately.

"Why won't you answer?" I question.

"She's not important at the moment" he answered as the phone rang again.

"Pick up" i insisted.

He wanted to protest but didn't, and did as i said putting the phone on speaker.

"Hello" i heard Hudah's soft voice speak through.

"Yah Leem are you there? You stopped me from coming back home, using your doctor friend to send me away on a task right? Because you are getting married this weekend." She chuckled and continued "very nice, go ahead and marry i won't stop you, amman Allah ya isa da yaudara ta da kayi (but Allah will surely avenge for deceiving me) and you will pay dearly for murdering yah Yasmeenah i swear to God!."


Much love ❤️
Ummu Najma 🥰

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