chapter 29

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Noor's POV

"Whom do you like?" Asked Yusuf with a red and wet face from crying. "Is it that brother of yours?" He says and i quickly shook my head.


"Then who is it? Please tell me" he begged.

"I... I don't know... I'm.. j.. just feeling like.. like.. i like s...someone and not.... you" i stutter anxious.

i just hope Yusuf can now control his anger because he used to get out of control when he's angry, He once or twice hit me while i was trying to calm him down. But that was so long long ago.

He sniffed, wiping his nose with the back of his hand.
"That's not a valid excuse Noor, i promise you I've changed, i will take care of you, i will never hurt you i promise!" He exclaimed.

"Okay, ok" i raised my hands exhaling. "You know. Ughhh!... I'm really frustrated now so it's better if we drop this matter aside for now, i mean so many things are happening with my family right now how can i start bringing up marriage? Yah Khaleel is not yet discharged from the hospital and I've just started schooling do you think even if i agree my family will allow me to get married?"

"Then what about later?" He returned quickly.

I look at him for 5 seconds trying to eat my annoyance, this guy's becoming a leech!.
"I will think about it" i declared, "now please wipe the mess on your face so you won't embarrass yourself in public and let's head to class, but not together!" I snap and he just nods smiling.
"Okay my queen"

"Ew" i opened the door and got out of the car to where my driver was still waiting and he opened the door for me once again before he takes his seat and we depart.


Throughout the class Yusuf just kept smiling like some kind of fool and the girls around me are just admiring him and i kept Eww-wing. All of them are disgusting!.

He tried talking to me after class but he's scared of Husnah whom specially escort me to Yusuf's lectures, so he just gave up and left.


"See how the table has turned" i said to Husnah giggling after we are done with our classes "you were the one who was freaking out when you saw Yusuf, i remember that you don't even follow the road he's taking because of how much you were scared of him. But i can now see fear of you in his eyes"

She chuckled and hold my hand in hers gazing them for a second then looked up at me "i can do more than just scolding you, i can be brave for you, i can fight for you. You are that precious to me" she stated which her words earn a smile from me.
"Are you okay Noor?" She added checking my face like she's looking for something.

"I thought you are never going to ask" i said trying to hold my tears back,
"Things were pretty hectic but with yah Kaleem around, it's getting better" i finished in a very low pitched voice.

She engulf me in a hug patting my back softly "you are strong, you have experienced worse yet you smile, don't stop smiling sis, it shall pass by the grace of Allah, you will be happy"

I break the hug wiping away my tears "Yes i will" i assure myself.
"Let's go home please, I'm hungry. And you are sleeping over at my house tonight"

"No way!" She exclaimed trying to walk away but i drag her by her arm and pushed her inside the car. "I'm not going to sleepover under the same roof with that crazy family of yours"

"There's so much to gossip about, it will take all night" i returned ignoring her rants.


"Wow?!"i exclaimed, "what's the occasion here?". I asked with a huge grin looking at how extensively the house was decorated, everywhere was glittering and there was flowers and balloons, a bubble and smoke device, and unused confetti resting on the table. It's like some kind of party is going to take place and everywhere just smells so nice.

"Yah Khaleel is coming home today" answered Lailah.

My eyes widened in amazement, "really? So all this is for him?"

"Yes, they are arriving any second from now" says Lailah and she disperse to where mother was setting the table herself stacking it with too much food.

I swallowed and turned to look at Husnah with a straight face, it's like she saw my tears coming because she drag me into my room at an instant and i broke down as soon as she closed the door.

"Husnah they have never done something like this for me or even similar to this" i complained sobbing. "I was never celebrated not even when I donated a kidney to that same Khaleel that they are throwing party for his arrival, "they didn't even come to welcome me, it's only Lailah that's there for me" i cried, regretting my actions a little bit, not about donating a kidney to Khaleel but about my greediness, it's always making me shed tears.

"It's ok" she assures patting my back softly. "We are not the same so we are not going to be treated equally."

We had our lunch in my bedroom even though Husnah insisted that i should wait and eat with the rest of the family after Khaleel arrives, but I'm not even sure if i could go out and welcome him. he has everyone else so why would he bother about the lowly me not being there.


"Aunty Noor, sir Khaleel is calling you" says the maid.

"Khaleel or Kaleem?" I asked surprised and confused at the same time.

"Sir Khaleel, he just arrived from the hospital and he's looking for you" she added and left.

I turned to Husnah with bewilderment. "Did you hear that?"

"Yap, let's go" she responded standing up.

"But why would he wants to see me?"

"We will know that when we meet him" she said grabbing me by my arm to the living room.

He sat across the dining table smiling as always, mother sitting by his side filling up his plate with food, while everyone else sorrounded him. Surprisingly, including Kaleem.

'i thought they didn't go along' questioned my subconscious.

"Hey sis!" Called Khaleel and i found myself wearing a smile on my face.
He has lost weight and there's a little much hair on his head and face, but he looked as handsome and always.

"Are you too busy to come and welcome your Medium brother?" He asked and i shook my head still smiling "I missed you" he declared.

Kaleem quickly looked at him upon hearing that, horror filled his gaze and i swear i heard him swallowing.


Ummu Najma 🥰

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