chapter 26

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This chapter is dedicated to zeeekadir
Thanks for the quick votes and the support, i appreciate it. (She's a wonderful writer also😉)

Noor's POV

"I'm not following you" i refused when Kaleem insisted that i must follow him in his car back home.

"Why are you so stubborn Noor?" He sighed tired of arguing too much, with Yusuf then and now with me.

"It's not that, if i leave with you what about my car?"

"Isn't Habeeb the one who drove it here? So he will drive it back"

"No i want to go back with him, you just leave on your own"

"I will seize your car" he threatened "i mean it and i will not give it back"

I didn't know when my legs ran to his car and i seated myself in the passenger seat glancing at the defeated Yusuf. I feel bad for him, i really do.
I wanted to always make him feel bad for what he did to me but i still love him, I don't like it when he's taken down by Kaleem.


"Is pink your favorite color?" He surprised me by asking when he pulled at our driveway waiting for the gate to finish opening itself.

"No, purple" i responded looking at him but he's looking straight.

"Yasmeenah's favorite was pink" he surprised me again, my eyes widened and i gaze at Kaleem in disbelief. He's talking about Yasmeenah with me?. The way this whole family is very cautious about mentioning her, i never thought Kaleem himself will ever mention her to me.

He turned to me briefly and turned his head back to the road.
"Anyway, pink looks good on you" he said as he finally park the car.

I murmured a "thank you" for both the drive and the compliment and set to leave when his voice stopped me.

"Get ready for our class after Asr prayer"

"Which class?" I ask oblivious.

He just stared at me annoyed and i quickly apologized when realization hit me, "oh, our painting class. Sure i will be punctual"

"You better be" he retort and got out of the car before me.

I followed him inside and we entered the living room murmuring 'Salam', mother was seated with two men i didn't know, but by the look Kaleem is giving them I'm sure he recognized them.

We both greeted mother and the guests, she answered her gaze on Kaleem.

"You are back just on time son, come and sit here" she patted the seat next next to her and he did as she told, that act shows that I'm dismissed from the scene so i headed to our wing.

A little change in the POV

To Kaleem's POV

"We were just talking about you taking over the company since Khaleel is sick" mother started.

"What?" I asked dumbfounded, i never thought a talk like this will ever arises.

"It's just for the meantime, you should take over untill he completely recovers. You know he's been absent for a long time that our partners are starting question his whereabouts. And you know his sickness is confidential, Even if we manage to convince everyone that he's just been away on a mission we still can't leave his seat vacant for a very long time." She explained holding onto my arm.

I stood up from my seat and excuses myself then carefully drag mother by the hand she's holding me with to the closest room and closed the door behind us.

"What were you saying mother? I whispered "have you forgotten about the promise you made to me two years ago and now you're saying this?"

She reached for my palms and grab it in hers begging "that's why I said just for a meantime, we can't let your brother's sickness be exposed to the whole world, they will try to take him down and if they succeed, he will go along with our company so do me a favor Kaleem please"

I smiled painfully "have you forgotten, i was released from the rehab center just a year ago? I stayed there for a whole 10 months and no body except my family knows about it, you can also keep Khaleel's secret in similar manner"

"Yes but at that time Khaleel was here to take over"

"Habeeb is also here mother" i recommend in a calm manner.

"He's also sick Kaleem, he's suffering from depression and he's too lazy to work as a CEO he's not even punctual, and you know him more than anyone he's too stubborn"

"But I'm the more sick one mother" i said swallowing the bile rising in my throat just by thinking about it.

"I'm not mentally stable, panic attack, anxiety, depression, hypertension and migraine. and I'm not even physically stable either, i can never be like someone of my type, i can never manage someone under me nor can i live like anyone else. Please mother atleast lift me off these burden, i cannot handle them" i begged my voice shaking.

I hate it when I'm proven weak in front of anyone but this is the only way i could save myself. Else i might die!.

Back to Noor's POV

I waited for Kaleem's call after I'm done with Asr and he texted me shortly.

"Meet me in the terrace" it reads.

I put on my hijab and went there to find Kaleem standing in all black. A hoodie, sweatpant and an apron.

Is he going to cook? I giggled.

I say my salam and moved closer when he answered glancing at the two painting boards on their stand, there's a brush kit by it's side which contains more than hundred different brushes and large kit for different kinds on paints. There was a rolled bag for pencils and two paint palate below it.

He was still setting the stage as he hands me an apron.
"Put this on" he commands.

"No I'm good" i said trying to act cool.

"You didn't know how expensive the dress you are wearing is right? Moreover I'm not going for another shopping anytime soon, especially not for a clumsy someone"

I quickly grab the apron and put it over my head tying it's ropes behind me. My closet isn't full yet I'm just looking forward to another shopping offer from him, but I don't want to put on the apron as I don't want to look ridiculous.

Anyway looking bad in front of him won't choke! He's neither my boyfriend nor my husband.

"Don't you know how to greet your tutor?"

"Good afternoon sir" i greeted without arguing.

He scowled "you are greeting me while standing? That too in English?" He snap.

Is this how he's going to make me pay for making him teach me painting? By controlling me on his finger tips ? If so then his class is too pricey.

I squat down on my knees, with a big frown on my face then dung my head down and greeted "ina wuni(good afternoon/ evening)"

"Lafiya(fine)" he answered with a wide smile of satisfaction and victory placed on his face.


Ummu Najma 🥰

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