chapter 63

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"Can you see me Noorie?" I heard Kaleem's voice faintly.

"I can't.." i cried in a sore voice shutting my eyes again.

I feel his hand caress my cheeks. "Don't close your eyes Noorie, keep them open please"

"It'" i sniffed.

"The doctor will be here, just hang on a little longer" he said rubbing my temples.

I stay still even though I'm feeling the urge to sleep maybe the pain will stop but knowing that disobeying my husband put me into this tragedy in the first place i obeyed him this time and hang on as he asked.

" is.. ya.. Khalee? Wa..he hurt?" I hardly make the sentence.

"Stop talking Noor" he ordered

"Bo... A..need.. to.. nooo" i yelped as the doctor started inserting an injection needle in my arm.

My body suddenly went weak the moment he removed the injection, i blinked trying to keep my eyes open but i failed this time. So i slowly close them shut again feeling Kaleem's hand on my arm till everything went completely dark.



"Medium brother?!...Medium brother wait! Don't go there you will die!! Please don't gooo" i finished crying, seeing Khaleel disappear as he falls into the dark pit.

"Noor... NOOR!!!" I gasped as my eyes opened completely to the face of Kaleem in front of me looking really tensed.

"Where's medium brother Kaleem? I want to go and see him" i sat up and struggle out of the bed, but Kaleem used force to hold me still.

"He's fine Noor, you shouldn't just get out of the bed like that. You've been lying there for 9 days you know that? I will take you to him later but you should calm down for now.."

I shook my head vigorously "no! No, no. I have to see him now, I have to make sure he's okay. You know... I'm sorry for lying to you about going to meet Husnah but I'm the cause of this accident. I forced him to go to the hospital with me and pick a fight with him in the car that got him distracted and cause this!"

"That's called fate Noorie! It was destined to happened, it's not your fault!"

"Tsk... Move.." i used all the remaining energy i have to push him away before he noticed and quickly got up.
I grab the bed headrest To stop me from falling to the ground and winced feeling my head spinning.

Kaleem tried to hold me but i swat his hand and led my way outside the room in my blurry vision, not caring to cover my head with something on top of the patient transparent leather cap I'm wearing. I have no idea which room he was rested so i head to the floor's reception.

"I want to know Ibrahim Ali Omar's room please"

She typed away in the computer and raised her head giving me an apologetic look. "I'm sorry, but I can't find the patient you're looking for"

"What do you mean by..."

"He was transferred to another hospital"

I turned to Kaleem standing behind me. "Okay let's go there"

I walked to the elevator when it's door's opened and they came pushing a patient at high speed.
"Out of the way!" the doctor in the front shouted in rage.

I was confused for a moment and was really dizzy so i was 2 seconds late to react And they almost hit me, but Kaleem managed to pull me to him, and i looked back at the patient that just pass past us because of the strong unpleasant odour i perceive, only to see a little kid covered in blood and dirt.

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