I closed my eyes tightly after it was announced that we are taking off in the air. I've never been in a plane before though i want to but i can't ignore the anxiety creeping inside me, I'm feeling like I'm gonna lose my breath anytime.
While I was struggling to find suitable Dua to chant in my mind so i can find my senses again. Suddenly I felt a warm hand pressed gently against mine. The shock it sends through my spine made me quickly open my eyes and set my eyes on Kaleem that's sitting by the window.
He looks back at me and his gaze was something I could describe as warm and comforting.
"Scared?!"I want to pull my hand away and deny, But i found myself nodding in response.
"I've never been on a plane before" i murmured.He giggled "it's obvious"
"Pardon?" I sound offended.
"I mean.. really? You've never been on a plane before sweetheart?"
The sweetheart thing actually awaken the butterflies in my stomach even though he's just being the playful baby K he was 3 months ago, i can't help but to like it.
"Am i supposed to get offended?" I retort forcing a frown on my face as a mask to hide my emotions.
He chuckled anxiously. "Oh, sorry. I mean we're already up"
I looked over his shoulders and he's right we're up in the sky, he started the small conversation to shake my fear off but i for a second wish it was real, i like it when he's pulling my leg and cracking up.
One more thing, i hadn't realize when Kaleem started finding it easy to apologise. He's now saying 'sorry' every now and then, over little things too."Oh thanks"
I turned my head to the side, away from him, remembering myself that I'm still upset. I can't make it that easy on him.
The jet got noisy with Lailah and Habeeb arguing, Khaleel taking her side, Nimrah crying, and the forever couples Aneel and Zahra cheering them and giggling, and the noice dies off as time goes by, but it was iced silent at our side, because i seriously don't want to talk to Kaleem.
I slept off after having some tea, and woke up like 4 times but forced myself to go back to sleep again.
"Hey, are you two dead?" Zahra tapped our shoulders 3 hours later, amazingly we both dozed off.
"What is it?" Kaleem groaned in his deep sleepy voice with his eyes closed.
Oh! It's beautiful. I wish I could hear this every morning. It really makes my heart skipped a beat.
I smiled at him but quickly wears it off before he could open his eyes and see.
"You two are acting like some outcasts. Well he's always been like that but it's unfair to make you uncomfortable".
"I didn't force her to stay here" he stated flatly.
Yeah he didn't, i stayed because i want to, for the last time, be by his side.
"You can go if you want to Noorie" he opens his eyes on me.
" I'm fine here"
"As if!" Zahra sneered and pulled me up, dragging me to their noisy gang.
To say this trip was a hell is an understatement. My whole body is sore and my head is about to explode from Nimrah crying, right into my ears. I offered to hold her to exclude myself from their chit-chat and allow myself to think about what to do with our relationship. debating whether to break this marriage right away or to hold on a little longer and be patient like Kaleem has asked.

My Lifeline
Roman d'amour"i will give you my kidney and i want luxury life in return" Everyone stared at me jaw dropped, puzzled, I'm just a passerby how can I just stick my nose into something that's none of my business? Did i think their son's life is a joke? I can tell b...