chapter 25

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Kaleem's POV

I shift on my seat and continue turning the pen between my finger tips disgusted, I'm really trying my best to keep calm and not burst out because of these stupid contractors that schedule this stupid meeting and the idiot client that they work for.

"Sir, i was thinking if we make a little changes in the construction plan we might even have a better result" said one of the contractors.

I looked up at him, thankfully he's not much older than me. "And you are?" I asked pointing at him with the pen.

"Construction manager sir!"

I nodded "i thought you were the new architect" i said dryly.

He laughed wryly "what are you saying sir?"

"Since you already know you will find faults in my work, why did you bother wasting my time in the first place?" I directed my question at my client. "You already have such a great team that can design and construct perfectly for you, why did you involve this lousy, inexperienced architect in your work and later embarrassing him in front of your great team?"

"Sir Kaleem please what are you saying...?"

"You know i wouldn't have worked for you if not because you requested through my father, else you are not even rich enough to pay me" i Said standing up.

"I'm terminating this contract and you are not allowed to use my design or i will definitely sue you for it, your construction manager can continue from where i stopped" i finished buttoning my suit and turn to leave the the room.

The client hurried to me and grab me by my hand bowing a little.
"Sir I'm very sorry for the inconvenience, but please don't leave. I might lose the whole building along with you" he begged.

I snatched my hand from his grip and bring out a clean handkerchief to wipe it. "Don't worry, I'm no longer the CEO of Royala buildings. Unlike me, Khaleel can tolerate nonesense" i stated and left the scene feeling extremely disgusted.

Had i known they will waste my time on this useless talk i would have not left Noor to went to school alone, on her own, without any guardian. She might even get confused on where she was sent to complete her registration process or get disturbed. She will just sit there and cry because i know she finds it really easy to cry. What if she's crying right now?.

I hurried to my car and started the engine speeding out of the gate to Noor's university.


"Hey, where are you" i said as soon as Noor picks my call.

"I'm in school" she answered from across the line.

"Where in school?"

"Faculty of science, I'm going to class"


"Yeah they said that I've already missed two weeks classes and i have GNS today so I'm going there right now"

"Are you done with your registration?"

"Yeah, I'm done"

"Ok, good luck" i said and brought down the phone to disconnect it.

"Yah Kaleem" She called which i hardly heard.

"Yes?" I answered bringing the phone back to my ear.

"Thanks once again"

"Hmm" i answered and disconnect the call feeling some kind of peace and refreshed.

It's like my whole anger from earlier event has subsided upon hearing Noor's voice. I don't know why but her thanking me is bringing some kind of calmness in me and i feel the least happy.

I reached my destination and parked a little bit far from the car i recognized as Noor's by it's plate number, But i did not saw a driver in it. Has he gone to ease himself or didn't she take one at all? Did she knows how to drive? I contemplated while i waited inside the car for whole 2 hours and i saw groups of students coming out of class shortly, i stared so that I could easily spot Noor but she was the last person to come outside.

She was on a call so i did not bother calling her to tell her I'm here and waited patiently for her to finish until i saw a familiar man approaching her.
"Why is she always together with that boy?" I groan as i recognize him to be her Ex-boyfriend Yusuf.

"Noor listen to me naah!" He whined as she finishes answering the call.

She abruptly turned to him annoyed.

"Listen to what in particular?" I interjected.

She quickly turned to my direction surprised.
"Yah Kaleem, you are here?"

"Yeah why are you always around?" Demanded Yusuf.

I moved a closer standing between them and looked at Yusuf.
"I should be the one asking you this question, why are you always around my sister?" I stated raising and eyebrow.

Yusuf scoffed "she's my girl" he snap.

"No she's not"

"She is!"

"Why are you always so disrespectful, can't you see that I'm older than you?"

"Do you want me to be calling you my yaya?(older brother). Obviously i will respect you but if you decided to respect yourself first and stay away from my girl"

"I've told you she's not yours" i snapped back.

"She's my sister, she belongs to us, to her family"

"Stop!" Shouted Noor as she noticed the small crowd we managed to gather with our little fight.

"I'm not yours Yusuf nor do i belong to anybody okay? I'm my own i belong to myself"

"Why are you disturbing my friend's peace again Yusuf? I've told you to stay away didn't i? You should respect yourself as a professor here and stop getting disgraced by your students, Noor is your students now not your girlfriend" said Husnah who just arrived at the scene followed by my younger brother Habeeb.

"So it's his class that you attended just know?" I asked Noor.

She nodded, "yes"

"But do you know any form of relationship between a lecturer and a student is prohibited?" I now directed my question to Yusuf.

"I will secure it" he says.

"You are dropping his class" i instructed.

Noor gasps "what?"

"It's an order" i frowned.

"But you can't order me to do this"

"Only if I'm not the one sponsoring your education. I got you admitted with my own money not the company's so i can order you to drop his class!"

Another chapter is dropping tonight insha Allah.

Ummu Najma 🥰

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