Kaleem's POV
"I want to be given the chance to choose, i want to possess what i like not only what's given to me. I really don't want to live like my mother Leem, she's living like a servant under her master's care she doesn't have a say over what's happening with her life, neither on herself, nor on us." She finished sighing, then she continued
"I really love you but i can't forsake myself for you. And i don't want to lose you by making you wait..."
"I will wait" i interrupted her speech "i will wait even for hundred years, i will wait until you are ready to come to me then i will open my arms for you to enter, whenever you want"
She smiles at my choice of words and I smiled back. The words came from my heart, i trust what I'm feeling for Yasmeenah so I'm sure that i can fulfill all the promises i made for her.
I believe finding the right person to spend the rest of my life with is the most important thing, so waiting won't kill.
no matter how much loving her will cost me, I'm ready to sacrifice for it."Thanks for understanding, i thought i will have a hard time explaining to you.."
"Thanks also for saying you really love me" i cut her smirking.
She quickly lifted her small hijab up to hide her face shyly and i chuckled.
"Then shall we go somewhere?" I asked removing my car keys from my pocket.
She put down her hijab, looking towards me again "somewhere?" She also asked giggling. "Where?"
"It's a secret, you will see when we get there"
She nods "okay, let's wait for my sister she's almost done with her classes"
"Oh, do you also have a sister in this college?"
"Yes Hudah, she's a younger one"
"She's studying midwifery?"
"No, nursing"
"Wow, you all wanted to be nurses in the future? I'm impressed" i stated
She gave a small smile "Nah, it's our father's choice" she said bitterly
"Opps.. oh. Sorry"
"No you don't have to apologise, it's not like you are at fault. Moreover i like what I'm doing but Hudah wanted to study engineering and dad refused to allow her to, that's why she just decided to stay here with me".
"Aw, she must like you alot"
"yes she does, alot" she said grinning widely and i can't help stop admiring her lips and cute smile. "Yauwa there she is" her voice brought me to reality.
I followed my gaze to where she's pointing with her index finger and a young lady appeared to my view in a uniform approaching us. She's almost as tall as Yasmeenah, she's as fair but a little bit chubby.
"Assalam alaikum" she greeted grinning as she reached where we were sitting.
"Wa'alaikum assalam" i greeted back "Hudah right?"
"Oh, yeah! I think i don't have to introduce myself"
"Yep, I've heard everything about you from your sister"
"That's it! Without doubt, you are the one! My introverted sister telling you about her family?! It was really nice meeting you brother in law" she stated pulling out her right hand for me to shake.

My Lifeline
Romance"i will give you my kidney and i want luxury life in return" Everyone stared at me jaw dropped, puzzled, I'm just a passerby how can I just stick my nose into something that's none of my business? Did i think their son's life is a joke? I can tell b...