Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 Cai Suya never thought that she would have...

    Cai Suya never thought that she would have children before.

    Even when she loved Jiang Yuan the most, she never thought of giving him a baby.

    Although it is not her own now, but she has replaced this identity, and the child who is connected with this body's blood is naturally hers.

    She sat up excitedly: "Quick, bring him here to show me."

    Since it is her son, he must be the smartest, smartest, beautiful and cute in the world... eh?

    Who is this poor, thin, pale, silent and gloomy little fellow in front of him?

    Cai Suya frowned and was about to speak, but another small figure rushed in from the door unexpectedly, threw herself into her arms with a plop, and burst into tears: "Wow, mom, you're finally awake!"

    "Xiao Xing I'm so worried about you, Mommy..."

    The handsome man standing beside the bed sighed softly, and gently touched his little head with his broad palm: "Dear, Xiaoxing, get up first, don't scare your mother."

    Cai Suya He lowered his eyes and looked at the wet quilt and the suspicious traces left after being rubbed by the little brat. He stepped back in disgust, sat up and leaned on the head of the bed, his eyes swept lightly from several people in the room. " What

    's your name?"

    She said this to the man, who was obviously stunned for a moment, then showed a helpless and indulgent smile, "Su Ya, stop making trouble, you don't even care about me. Do you know?"

    Just as Cai Suya was about to nod her head, she suddenly saw an arrow and a line of words appear on his forehead: [Name: Zhan Kun Identity: Cai Suya's husband]

    She paused for a moment, then showed a sudden smile: "So it's my dear Yes, husband." The

    gentle smile on Zhan Kun's face froze slightly, his eyes with soft light quickly flashed a dark light, which concealed a little scrutiny.

    "Suya," he asked worriedly, "what's wrong with you? Haven't you recovered yet? Do you want me to ask Dr. Zhao to come over again?"

    Cai Suya's attention was no longer on him at this time - Zhan Kun was really not the type she liked, and of course she was not as interested as the new cheap son.

    The little boy standing next to Zhan Kun was born in pink and jade, with a tender white face lined with big black eyes, smart and cute, innocent and childish, and very endearing.

    "You said our son was found?" Cai Suya said slowly, "Which one is it?"

    Zhan Kun quickly reacted and waved at the boy who was standing by the door with almost no sense of existence, "Xiaochen Come over here and meet your mother." The

    little boy kept his head down, his shoulders shrank silently, his whole body was like a shadow.

    Cai Suya's eyes fell lightly on him, and before she had time to take a closer look, Xiaoxing next to her held hers tightly with a pair of soft hands, raised her pink face, and said pitifully, "Mom, you Don't you want Xiaoxing anymore?"

    Zhan Kun comforted him and took him into his arms, "How could it be? Xiaoxing, mother's body is not feeling well, you be good, take brother Xiaochen to play, father has something to tell mother. Seeing

    Zhan Kun get up to send the two children out, Cai Suya suddenly said, "Wait."

    Several people subconsciously stopped and turned to look at her, only to

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