Chapter 22

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Chapter 22 Song Jue's words made Xiao Yao look surprised...

    Song Jue's words made Xiao Yao look surprised.

    At first, he was glad that his mother thought that he would take him with him when he left, but the next second, Teacher Song took the initiative to say that he could take care of him.

    In the first ten years of his life, Xiao Yao never felt that he was likable or popular.

    So at this time, his first reaction was to seriously observe Song Jue's expression, and then found that he was not looking at himself, but looked at his mother.

    Xiao Yao: ? ? ?

    His brows were tightly wrinkled, and his little face was stiff. He had been raised well in Cai's family during this time, and his originally sallow and thin cheeks had become white and tender, adding a little childishness and cuteness to his overly calm and precocious face.

    Cai Suya's eyes swept across Xiao Yao's face, and she smiled, and I have to say, just from the look, the two big and small in front of me are really a bit similar.

    "Okay," she said with a smile, "If Xiao Yao likes to stay with you, I naturally have no problem."

    Hearing this, Song Jue's deep eyes lit up with a faint light, and she turned to look at Xiao Yao. .

    Xiao Yao still had a small face, and when he noticed his gaze, he silently turned his head away, pretending not to see it.

    Song Jue: "..."

    He frowned and began to lower his head to think.

    But seriously, he has no experience with children at all.

    When his nephew grew up to this age, Song Jue had long thought that he was noisy and moved out of the house, or why not ask him back?

    They're all boys, so it shouldn't be much different... right?


    Suya went through a series of property transfer procedures the next day, including 8% of Zhanjia’s shares.

    Zhan Kun, who was still in the ward, happened to receive a condolence call from Zhan's boss at this time. On the surface, he was kind and regretful, but in fact he was gloating. Obviously, in his eyes, Zhan Kun was no longer enough to be an opponent, so his tone changed again. When returning home, the elders are condescending to the younger ones.

    Zhan Kun refrained from breaking out until he hung up the phone, and then he couldn't restrain his anger and threw away the phone.

    Fortunately, according to his current state of paralysis, the phone was just thrown from the head of the bed to the end of the bed, unharmed, and there was not a single crack on the screen.

    Zhan Kun closed his eyes and became more and more desperate.

    He never thought he would be reduced to where he is today.

    No one from Zhan's family has come to visit him once, and even the nurses who take care of him are invited by Zhan Kun's assistant.

    By now, he couldn't care about worrying about Sun Qingying who was locked in, and he was thinking about how to make a comeback.

    First of all, there is no doubt that he cannot divorce Cai Suya.

    Otherwise, those shares will be completely lost.

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