Chapter 111

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Chapter 111 After the two entered the library, they seemed to follow...

    After the two entered the library, the sparks that seemed to be ignited at any time slowly subsided in a quiet and peaceful atmosphere.

    Tim Cheng asked her softly, "Where do you want to sit?"

    Cai Suya looked up and picked a spot by the window.

    Today is a working day, and there are not many people coming to the library. At a glance, most of the places are empty.

    Warm and bright sunlight streams in through the tall French windows, casting dappled shadows on the fabric suede sofa.

    He was probably infected by the atmosphere, and when the timing reacted, he realized that Cai Suya had not moved for a long time.

    He turned around in confusion and looked, where is the person?

    Ching thought for a while, holding two books he just picked out in his hand, planning to go to the seat to wait for her.

    After a while, Cai Suya came back, he looked at the book in her hand and was stunned, "Didn't you read it?"

    Cai Suya was holding the first book of the "X series".

    She pursed her lips and smiled, but did not answer him directly.

    As if by magic, he took out a tear-off note pad and a few pens from the bottom of the book, opened a page at random, wrote a few words on it, and then pushed the pen and notebook together in front of the timing.

    ——I heard that the author is a detail control. It has been more than half a year since I last read this book. If there is something that I have missed or ignored, it will be shameful for him to point it out in person?     The original body is a book fan of time series, and he is not necessarily interested in him, but every book he publishes is cherished in his room by the original body. The first six films of the X series have been released, and the original ones have been seen more than once, but for the current Cai Suya, they can only be received through memory.     It's totally different from reading the book with your own eyes.     Timing looked at her, then lowered his eyes, held a pen, and succinctly wrote two words on the paper     - no.

    His handwriting is not the same as his slow, indifferent and peaceful temperament. His strokes are sharp, and his strokes and strokes unconsciously increase his strength when he is closing, making the color darker.

    The corners of Cai Suya's lips curved slightly,

    "Let's make a bet? Whether I first find out the details and foreshadowing you buried in this book, or whether you complete my biography first, must ensure that the accuracy rate is above 90%.

    Looking at it this way, it seems that the timing is at a disadvantage.

    After all, his X series has been open for six years, and how many foreshadowings and easter eggs have been cleaned up by enthusiastic and active book fans.


    The timing agreed immediately, and it seemed that there was no hesitation at all.

    It's not so much because of the bet, it's better to say that he is a little curious about Cai Suya.

    What the agent said about Cai Suya in Ching Ching's ears before, he treated it as waste information at that time, and now he intends to recall it, just like restoring the files thrown into the recycle bin, most of the dialogue is clear. It's like it's in his ear right now.

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