Chapter 146

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Chapter 146 It took Cai Suya a while to recognize...

    It took Cai Suya a while to recognize Yin, she used to dare not look up at him.

    In the end, he was an adult. Unlike his two younger brothers, Xi Yin put his dissatisfaction and disgust towards her on the table. Cai Suya suspected that he didn't even look at their mother and daughter.

    Tell her to say, this is called a wise man.

    After all, looking at his father's virtue, Cai Suya dare not say that her mother is the last Mrs. Xi.

    As the stable young master of the Xi family, if it were her, she would definitely be too lazy to care about those who are not related by blood and who do not know how long to wait at home.

    "Eldest young master." After she was surprised, her eyes trembled slightly, and the clear and bright eyes, the crystal broken light seemed to be followed by ripples of panic, showing a bit of timidity for no reason.

    She subconsciously stepped aside, her cheeks flushed more and more nervously, as if she didn't know what to say, she was at a loss, she blurted out,

    "Huan, welcome home."

    Compared with the two twin brothers who looked alike, Xi Yin seems to be a mature version of Xi Mu, with the same handsome and perfect face. The special charm that has gradually settled in the experience makes people's heart skip a beat, and it is impossible to tell whether it is heart palpitations or heartbeats.

    Xi Yin maintained that she was older, and did not intend to embarrass a little girl.

    It was her words that made him feel a little uncomfortable. The intimate and warm words like "Welcome home" were destined not to fall on him.

    Very few people dare to say that to him.

    He stared at her for a while, then replied in a low voice, and without saying anything, he went upstairs by himself.

    Cai Suya turned her head slightly, watching his tall and cold figure disappear around the corner, she was a little strange.

    Her memory told her that she should be very afraid of Xi Yin, and even felt that his aura was more terrifying than Xi Tongfang's stepfather.

    However, when she saw him just now, she was more afraid than afraid.

    The difference here is huge.

    After pondering for a while, there was no answer, and Cai Suya simply gave up.

    Anyway, Xi Yin wasn't her goal. It would be nice if he didn't come back often as he remembered.

    As expected, Cai Suya ate dinner alone. Xi Yin said that she had just returned to her room, and she had not rested for a long time, and then went to the study to do her work again. Wang Ma was very distressed, and she prepared dinner for him in the kitchen. Take it upstairs again.

    Wang Ma has taken care of the two brothers since childhood. If it were someone else, Xi Yin would not necessarily give this face.

    Cai Suya listened and didn't care.

    Her mind is now on the list to be handed over to He Ziqian tomorrow. She is bound to win this bet.


    Suya can enter the first class, and Xi Tongfang's contribution is one thing, and her own grades are hard enough is also an important reason.

    In the original entrance exam, her final score was only 20 points away from the perfect score.

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