Chapter 92

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Chapter 92 "Really?" Under Cai's father's furious eyes...

    "Really?" Under Cai's father's angry eyes, Cai Suya shook his head and said in a sincere tone, "I don't believe it."

    Cai's father stared at her and pointed at her speechless, "You!"

    Her stepmother , Zhang Yu hurriedly stepped forward to appease him, "Okay, Su Ya finally came back once, don't be angry with her." Turning her head to look at Cai Suya again, her tone was soft and mixed with disappointment, "So do you, Su Ya. Yes, your dad has been thinking about you all these years, looking forward to your return one day, and you should understand his painstaking efforts."

    Cai Suya squinted at her and said with a smile: "Aunt Zhang, I I advise you to stop talking."

    "If you say a few more words and I change my mind, I can't guarantee how much of this family's property will fall into the hands of your children?"

    Zhang Yu's expression changed. Stiff, scolded, "You kid, you are so good at talking about property, I..."

    "Okay, I'm not a fool like my dad, I believe you will compare me to your own for no reason. My biological daughter is fine." Cai Suya sneered, "Don't worry, I'll put my words here, I don't want any of my dad's things, and when he gets older, won't he still rely on you to carry urine and water? Just treat it as the nanny fee I paid you in advance, you're welcome."

    Zhang Yu's face was ashen, she stared at Cai Suya angrily, she finally knew what Cai Qiaoyu meant when she told her that Cai Suya's personality had changed, say this sentence, and follow The thorny arrow poked exactly into her heart.

    Father Cai slapped the table heavily, "Cai Suya! Apologize to your aunt soon!"

    Cai Suya's eyes widened slightly, "Ah, did I say something wrong?" With a sincere smile, "I'm sorry, Auntie, but you must know that I did it on purpose."

    Zhang Yu just wanted to be polite, only to realize that she said "intentional" not "unintentional".

    Father Cai gasped, "You, do you still take me as a father in your eyes!"

    Cai Suya smiled extremely perfunctoryly, "Of course not anymore, what do you think of good things?"

    "Speaking of which, I still learned from you." She smiled, "Back then, you thought that I hindered the warm life of your family of four, so you put the I threw it into the country, and now to be honest, I disliked you a little too, so I threw you away."

    "I'm your father!!"

    Cai Suya: "Is there a paternity test?

    " Dad? I also said that you are Cai Qiaolan's biological father!"

    Cai's father was so angry that his head went blank, his eyes darkened, and he staggered back on the chair.

    Cai Suya sighed helplessly, "Why are you so angry? I also make a reasonable inference."

    "As long as anyone with eyes sees your attitude towards me and Cai Qiaolan, they will think that she is your biological daughter. "

    To be honest, she really didn't quite understand what Father Cai was thinking.

    Thinking of her scumbag father in her previous life, although she also liked Cai Jingxue more than her, it was also because Cai Jingxue was really his secretly illegitimate daughter, and only said she was a stepdaughter for the sake of fame.

    As for the one in front of me, Cai Qiaolan looks like her own father. It can be confirmed that she is not Cai's father's daughter. How could she harm her own daughter like this for her?

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