Chapter 60

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Chapter 60 A burst of chaos, various chain reactions...

    There was a riot of soldiers and horses, various chain reactions came down, and the magnificent imperial car fell into a ball, like a farce.

    Fortunately, Yuzhao's protection factor was high, so Emperor Liang would not be injured, but he almost fell headfirst, and his face was no longer unavoidable. A few wisps of pitiful hair fell from the neat dragon's crown, and there was nothing but dark eyes. Anger, mixed with a few traces of shock.

    "What's going on?"

    Because he was sitting at a high place, Emperor Liang didn't see Cai Xiangling's small movements, and his cold eyes swept straight to the eunuch who made the mistake at first, "Drag     it !"

    "Your Majesty! Your Majesty!"

The eunuch was so frightened that tears covered his nose and his face, and he knocked his forehead to the ground heavily, and bloodstains appeared in a few moments.

    "Yes, it was Miss Cai who suddenly stepped forward and blocked the way. The servant was unprepared. This talent, this talent..."

    His embarrassed appearance naturally couldn't keep the eyes of the contamination emperor, and he was soon dragged away. .

    Under the icy gaze of Emperor Liang, Cai Xiangling shuddered suddenly and threw himself on the ground, "I, I, and the courtier didn't do it on purpose, I was just confused by the emperor's demeanor, I forgot everything, just wanted to If I want to keep you, I ask the emperor to forgive my sins, I will never dare..."

    Cai Xiangling met all the people she saw since she was a child. Thinking of the catastrophe that I had just made, I was immediately stunned. I didn't even know what I was talking about. Reflexively, I used the method of dealing with my elders after I was in trouble when I was a child. He, the love and the obsession in it, showed it plainly and unabashedly.

    This is quite fresh.

    It is not the first time that a woman has expressed her admiration in front of Emperor Liang, but they all have their own restraint, and the timing is either private or boudoir. If you want to get close to him.

    Emperor Liang was both contemptuous and contemptuous, and faintly felt useful.

    As a result, his face gradually softened, and he fixedly looked at Cai Xiangling a few times, "You are not very similar to your sister."

    Cai Xiangling loves to fight for favor, and has developed a keen observation of the target person's mood since childhood. Skills, such as now, she knows that the emperor is not so angry anymore.

    Her eyes lit up, and she was bold, like a coquettish, delicate and crisp,

    "Does the emperor like my sister more, or do you think I am more likable?"

    When Cai Xiangling asked this sentence, she was very confident in her heart. Yes, after all, when they were at home, everyone liked her more than the dull and quiet eldest sister, except the emperor for no reason.

    Hearing this, Emperor Liang laughed. He thought that Cai Suya brought his sister into the palace to find a helper. It turns out that this little girl is not lighthearted. If she can ask such a question, she obviously did not take her queen sister to heart. .

    "Of course you're more likable."

    His tone was much gentler than before, with a pleasant smile, and his deep voice was filled with a man's unique magnetic aura. Hearing that, Cai Xiangling couldn't help blushing, and his eyes were also full of redness. There was a gleaming radiance.

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