Chapter 160

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Chapter 160 Shu Yi seems to have made up her mind, "I will...

    Shu Yi seemed to have made up her mind, "I will return all the related proceeds from this book to Xiaoluo's parents."

    Cai Suya kindly added for her, "Including the copyright of this book?"

    Shu Yi said coldly. Looking up at her, she actually has a face that is easy to make one's heart soften, with round almond eyes, flushed cheeks, and even the small, upturned nose is delicate and cute, but when she came over, Tongshen's temperament has cooled down, which is quite different from the previous one. Even Cai Suya was surprised for a moment.

    Unfortunately, before she could take a closer look, Shu Yi had returned to her normal appearance,

    "Of course, I may have misunderstood Xiaoluo's meaning in the past, but now that I think about it, you are right, it should be Xiaoluo's thing, Even if she's gone, it should be handed over to her parents." I

    have to admire her psychological quality, even if her best confidence has been cleaned up, she can still make a frank and sincere appearance.

    Cai Suya refused to end it like this, she smiled and said, "I heard that the copyright of your book has been sold, and now the author is not you, it means that the contract you signed before is also invalid, Shu. Classmate Yi, you have to pay liquidated damages."

    Shu Yi's face turned pale immediately, and she couldn't keep her calm when she looked at Cai Suya, her pupils trembled, obviously she didn't expect this before.

    That was a contract worth several million, and even if the liquidated damages were half of it, Shu Yi couldn't pay it now.

    Shu Yi pursed her lips, and there were a few pleadings in her eyes, and she hesitantly turned to Lu Fanqiao.

    It seems that she also knows that the contract with her is the property of Lu Fanqiao's family.

    In the same sentence, Shu Yi herself has a particularly soft face. She usually doesn't use it to attract people. She always looks like a tough, lively and energetic girl, so it is rare to be pitiful and visually The effect is also stronger.

    Lu Fanqiao has a sympathetic temperament, but it won't make him lose his sense of proportion. He said gently, "I'll tell my dad, but I can't guarantee how their company will arrange it."

    Shu Yi's despairing eyes suddenly lit up, and she bowed to Lu Fanqiao with great gratitude, "Thank you so much, Senior Lu! If there is a chance in the future, I will definitely repay you!"

    "You don't have to wait," Cai Suya seized the opportunity and interjected with a smile, "There is something that needs your help now."

    Every time she opened her mouth, the whole situation changed.

    Shu Yi already hated Cai Suya in her heart. Seeing her, she couldn't even put on a naive and kind smile. She just said with a sullen face, "Why are you busy?"

    "Of course, it's to clarify the charges for Young Master He."

    Shu Yi: "I've clarified."

    She looked up at He Ziqian, with tears of worry flashing in her eyes, "What else can I do?"

    Cai Suya's eyes flashed and she whispered, "You can, to the outside world. Admit, that recording was designed and recorded by you, and you secretly put it on the Internet."

    "What?" Shu Yi was surprised and increased the volume, "I didn't do it!"

    "Of course I know it wasn't you . , but now, there is no other way." Cai Suya spread her hands.

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