Chapter 106

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Chapter 106 The Independence Corps brought by Xiang Dingbang happened because of repeated...

    It just so happened that the independent regiment led by Xiang Dingbang was about to be merged into the Central Military Region because of its many meritorious achievements.

    Cai Suya also began to prepare for her college entrance examination.

    The memory of her previous life has gradually faded away. For many people, the life-changing college entrance examination is not even as important to her as a banquet.

    At least the latter can get more help for her and help her destroy the Cai family as soon as possible.

    However, her final result was not bad, it seemed to be the third or fifth in the province, which made her grandma, who had always ignored her, look good in the old house.

    No way, who made her most beloved granddaughter, with the help of her son, be admitted to the top ten universities in the world. She didn't even take the college entrance examination, so she packed up and went to study abroad. In the end, it was only one year. Worrying about Grandpa's body" as an excuse, he returned in a hurry.

    It's nice to say, there are more people in this circle with smart ears, and Cai Suya has heard the news about how Cai Jingxue was forcibly dismissed by the school for plagiarizing other people's papers.     Of course, Cai Jingxue didn't say this to the outside world. She said that she was discriminated against and excluded. She couldn't stand it, and was forced to go home to recuperate by her mother who was worried about her. She also received treatment for severe depression from a psychiatrist. The report received countless distressed and comforting voices.     "Mom~~" A bulging, white and tender little hand suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, bringing back Cai Suya's gradually divergent thoughts. She blinked, looked down, and saw Nuan Nuan trying hard to tiptoe, extending her arms to Rubbing against her face, "Mom, eat it!"     Cai Suya took a closer look. In her small palm, there was a sticky piece of candy wrapped in small warm saliva. She subconsciously went to Leaning back, "Isn't this warm candy? How did you give it to mom?"     This is the fruit gummy she made specially for children. They are all sweetened with fruits. They are a little big, soft, and contain It melted in a while, and it was not easy to be dangerous for her to eat.     Nuan Nuan said with a smile, "I have eaten Nuan Nuan, sweet, give it to my mother!"

    ——She had already tasted it and was sure it was sweet, so she brought it to her mother.

    Cai Suya's brows and eyes softened, "Nuan Nuan is so kind to mother."

    Nuan Nuan proudly raised her small chest, isn't it?

    She is a little padded jacket!

    Kind of warm!

    Cai Suya used a towel to dig out the fondant in her hand, then held her hand again, pretending to eat what was in her palm, chewed it carefully, widened her eyes, and said happily,

    "It really is a candy that was chosen by Nuan Nuan. , I've eaten sweet candy."

    Xiao Nuan Nuan immediately smiled, Cai Suya hugged her to wash her hands, and whispered to her while washing, "But, Nuan Nuan eats delicious candy and wants to give it to mom, mom I want to give Nuan Nuan a delicious candy, but now my mother is a little sad that Nuan Nuan didn't eat such a delicious candy." The

    little girl was stunned, a little anxious, and grabbed her cuff, "No, no, Don't be sad."

    Cai Suya smiled and gently wiped her hands with a dry towel, "So next time, don't do this again. If Nuan Nuan thinks candy is delicious, come and tell mother that you have tasted sweetness. , so mother will be very happy."

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