Chapter 25

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Chapter 25 Actually, this incident can't be completely blamed on Zhanjiazheng...

    In fact, this incident cannot be entirely blamed on the few people who are fighting for power in the exhibitor.

    Zhan Fengyuan first supported his second son, and then tried to save Zhan Kun. When Zhan boss was in a panic, it was normal to seek foreign aid. He just didn't expect that the foreign aid he was looking for was originally for the black. .

    The shares in Cai Suya's hands eventually fell into the hands of this foreign aid.

    Without him, the price offered by the other party is the highest.

    This person is none other than Zhan Shanshan's fiancé, Yu Feng.

    Zhan Shanshan is the eldest granddaughter of Zhan's eldest son, but because her mother died early and she has a stepmother who can give birth to future affairs, her status in Zhan's family is not high. After that, she was the bottom one.

    Fortunately, the two of them shared the same illness when they were young, and they also cultivated a little brother-sister relationship, so Zhan Kun's beautiful period was also the happiest time in Zhan Shanshan's life, allowing her to overpower her half-sister, He also snatched the marriage from his cousin.

    That's right, the one who made the marriage contract with the Yu family was originally the granddaughter of Zhan's second family. At the engagement ceremony, Zhan Shanshan fell in love with Feng at first sight, so she tried to make her cousin fall in love with the same school. The impoverished senior then urged her to elope to go abroad like Zhan Kun's mother did.

    At that time, Zhan Fengyuan was so angry that he directly dismissed her cousin, and then let Zhan Shanshan take over the marriage.

    Yu Jia has no opinion.

    But Yu Feng is not easy to fool.

    He didn't necessarily like Zhan Shanshan's cousin very much, but he didn't like her at all for someone who was scheming and unscrupulous.

    That's why the engagement was dragged on until today. At first, he planned to let Zhan Shanshan propose to cancel the engagement, but Yu Feng didn't expect that she would be able to wait until today.

    With the outbreak of the scandal between Zhan Kun and Sun Qingying, his status in Zhan's family plummeted, and Yu Feng couldn't look down on Zhan Shanshan even more. But Yujia was still worried about Zhan's boss and refused to let him dissolve the engagement.

    When Yu Feng was in the throes of angst, he received a call from Cai Suya.

    "Mr. Yu, if you want to be free and get a piece of cake from the Zhan family, I'm willing to give you a chance."

    According to Cai Suya's position, it is normal to want revenge on the Zhan family.

    Yu Feng didn't have any doubts. After listening to Cai Suya's plan, he agreed after thinking for ten minutes.

    "I will find a way to get my dad to agree, but Ms. Cai," Yu Feng said, "With all due respect, the skinny camel is bigger than the horse, and the Zhan family is not so easy to end.

    " , it really doesn't work, the strong man breaks his wrist and sells a few companies, even if the Zhan clan is not as good as it is today, but it is no problem to survive.

    Cai Suya smiled, "Even if Zhan's house is still there, I promise, they won't come to trouble you or Yu's family."

    She gave Yu Feng a very simple task. Inside, hold the handle of the Zhan boss and secretly give it to the second Zhan.

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