Chapter 130

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Chapter 130 So, the next day, everyone gathered in the living room,...

    So, the next day, everyone gathered in the living room, and in Fu Lun's shocked and angry eyes mixed with a bit of unwillingness, Cai Suya handed the heart card in his hand to the timing.

    Everyone was more or less surprised, but Jiang Guqiu, as if he had expected it long ago, looked at the timing with complicated eyes, and then it was her turn, and she gave Xu Kun a heartbeat card unexpectedly.

    In the third week of "The Beginning of a Breakup", two temporary couples were paired, namely Jiang Guqiu and Xu Kun, Cai Suya and Timing.

    Fu Lun looked indifferent, and tried his best to endure the anger that was about to explode in his chest. Just waiting for the director team to finish explaining the rules that should be said, he stood up abruptly and left the living room directly.

    No one could see how bad he was.

    【! ! ! 】

    【This is probably the most brain-burning variety show ever...】

    【Can anyone tell me why Cai Suya chose the timing! ! ]

    [Hee hee, I'll just say "worldly" CP is the real thing] [Woo woo woo

    we are so pitiful]

    [Cai Suya has received three more votes... I will definitely buy my sister when she publishes a book! ]

    [I really love Shura Field too hahahaha]

    Cai Suya didn't rush to find Fu Lun, she knew him well.

    Sure enough, when Cai Suya planned to go upstairs to take a nap after lunch, she just opened the door, and suddenly felt a breath behind her, she shivered, feeling the alert of some kind of danger subconsciously.

    She turned around and was only a fist or so away from Fu Lun who appeared behind her at an unknown time.

    Cai Suya blinked, and the hand behind her pushed the door open. She took a few steps in, so that she had space to raise her head and ask him, "What's the matter?"

    Fu Lun sneered, raised his eyebrows and replied, "What do you say?"

    He glared at her angrily, "Why did you give your heartbeat to the timing?"

    Cai Suya's expression was innocent, "I thought you would prefer to try it with someone else."

    "Me?" Fu Lun laughed angrily, "You said It's you!"

    "Who else can I give my card to you other than you?!"

    Cai Suya smiled, "I didn't ask for a new date with my ex-boyfriend first."

    Speaking of this, Fu Fu Lun is always the one with a guilty conscience and shortness of breath, "It's been a long time, didn't I make it clear to you, I..."

    "Yes," Cai Suya said softly, "You made it clear to me, you promised that she was not I want to rekindle my old relationship with her, but it's not easy to refuse a party between friends, and the timing was also last night to invite me, he is my friend, how can I refuse him?"

    "How can it be the same?" Fu Fu Lun said eagerly and angrily, "You clearly know what he has in mind!"

    "I know?" Cai Suya tilted her head and looked up at him, "Then do you know?"

    "Me!" Fu Lun said After a while, I calmed down a bit, and I could hear that Cai Suya was not referring to timing but Zhao Fei.

    Said that Zhao Fei was still interested in him, did Fu Lun know?

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