Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 Cai Suya took Xiaoxing to Zhankun Company for a walk...

    Cai Suya took Xiaoxing to Zhankun's company for a walk. He heard that he left work early, and it seemed that he went to a party with friends. In the end, he got nothing, so he could only go home in despair, not even in the mood to eat dinner.

    As a result, when she entered the door, she saw the servant's hesitant gestures and sympathetic hesitant eyes, and her heartbeat gradually accelerated. Cai Suya changed her shoes in a hurry, went upstairs directly, pushed open the door of the master bedroom, just saw Zhan Kun spread out on the bed, a graceful figure leaning against his bed, holding a towel in one hand, gently and meticulously giving her. Zhan Kun wiped his face, as for the other hand...

    Cai Suya looked down and saw the hands of the two of them tightly clasping together, no, it should look more like Zhan Kun unilaterally dragging others, that kind of intimate love I don't need to say anything, and they rushed towards her overwhelmingly.

    To be honest, Cai Suya's mood at this time is indescribable.

    She has never felt so deeply about the benefits of the so-called heroine's halo... She really wants what she wants!

    She was almost moved to tears, the drunk Zhan Kun and the tender and sweet Sun Qingying, at this moment, in her eyes, they were almost full of holy light.

    In order to live up to them, Cai Suya took out her mobile phone decisively and took a few high-definition photos of the two of them, including Sun Qingying's positive face when she noticed the movement. With guilt... that scene is absolutely amazing!

    ! ! !

    Sun Qingying froze, her head froze!

    She admitted she did it on purpose.

    The last time Cai Sudam called Song Jue away in her face, even after she figured out that they couldn't be related, Sun Qingying still had a bit of anger in her heart.

    In the past, it was her who felt pity and lamented Cai Suya's infatuation in her heart, but her husband, who was right to her, had a soft spot for her.

    Cai Suya was already a doomed loser in her heart, how could Sun Qingying allow the loser to take advantage of her.

    So she wanted to send Zhan Kun back and deliberately stayed, waiting for Cai Suya to see the ambiguous scene between the two when she returned home, so that she could also taste the jealousy and anger of watching her husband get along with other women intimately.

    Sun Qingying has already thought about it. If Cai Suya is angry, she will say that she and Zhan Kun are just friends, because he is drunk and only grabs her, and the two are innocent...     Sun Qingying knows what kind of words can provoke a jealousy She is looking forward to Cai Suya showing sadness, despair, or hysteria, so that she can pity and sympathize with her with peace of mind.     However, she thought about all the reactions that Cai Suya might have, but she didn't expect that her first reaction was to take out her phone to take pictures?     Sun Qingying seemed to be immersed in bone-chilling cold water in an instant, and in just a few seconds, her back was soaked in cold sweat.     Can not!     She must not let the Song family or Song Jue know about her relationship with Zhan Kun!     At this critical time, not even the slightest loophole can be left behind! !     "Mrs. Zhan," Sun Qingying forced a smile, pretending to be nothing, "You're back, don't get me wrong, I'm just sending A Kun back, he's drunk..." She was     ready to hide her sharp explanation. , At this moment, I don't know how to change it so that Cai Suya can put down his guard.     She paused, wanting to stay away from Zhan Kun to show her innocence, but she forgot to hold Zhan Kun's hand - this action she had just planned to deal with Cai Suya - Sun Qingying just stood up, Zhan Kun held her hand. Kun noticed that she was about to leave him, and his hands subconsciously worked hard. She was pulled over by surprise and slammed directly into Zhan Kun's arms.     The drunk man smelled the sweet and ambiguous fragrance unique to his sweetheart, his heart warmed, and he hugged her even more tightly, with a satisfied smile on his face, "Qingying, we finally..."     Sun Qingying secretly said that it is not good, if this sentence is bad After that, they were both finished.

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