Chapter 35

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Chapter 35 Cai Suya thought she was waiting for all the plot lines at first...

    Cai Suya initially thought that she could leave after all the plot lines were over, but day by day, until the news of Zhan Kun's suicide in the mental hospital came, she opened her eyes the next day and was still in this time and space.

    Song Jue noticed that she was a little strange these days, and thought that Zhan Kun's death had reminded her of the past.

    "Xiao Yao will graduate in a few days, let's go a few days earlier, to attend his graduation ceremony and to play in City B for a few days."

    Cai Suya held her chin sullenly, "It's hot and stuffy outside, I don't want to. Walking around in the crowd."

    Song Jue poured her a glass of lemonade and put it on her right hand, "If you are too hot, you can go abroad to escape the summer. Didn't you say last year that you wanted to travel all over Northern Europe?"

    Cai Suya thought After thinking about it, there is no rejection.

    After so many years, traveling has always been the best way to wake her up to the freshness of the world.

    She turned her head, her face with a hint of melancholy turned from rain to sunny, smiled, took his arm, and let him sit beside her. , "You always know what I want to do most."

    "Then I also want to accompany you to do something that will make you happy."

    Cai Suya's eyes were bright, and against the background of the warm and warm sunshine, she was just as they did at the beginning of the year. It was so clear when I saw it, "Xiao Yao's university is also your alma mater, right?"

    "Why don't we take a set of photos together, the theme is called time travel!"

    "I sometimes think, if we hadn't missed more than ten years between us , if I knew you when you were young, what kind of story would it be? When the time comes, you will pretend to be like when you were in school, and so will I. No one knows how many time and space there are in this universe, maybe in In a certain time and space, we are a campus couple who get along day and night and have a deep love for a long time." The

    more she said, the more likely it was, "Right, after all, wasn't my dad a professor in your school back then? It was me. Go to another city, otherwise I will definitely visit him often, and then we might meet by chance, and then..."

    Song Jue's stern brows and eyes have become much milder due to the infection of the years. He looked at his smiling wife beside him, and according to her infectious narrative, he unconsciously brought him into the scene she was describing. , as if the two of them were living together in a distant but familiar campus, she was in high spirits, perhaps a little more youthful and pure than now, but still the same dazzling.

    A slight arc was raised on his lips, and pure joy and a smile appeared in his black eyes, "...I don't think it's possible."

    Cai Suya paused and asked him suspiciously, "What?"

    "I met you at the time. , it will definitely fall in love at first sight."

    Cai Suya stared at him for a while, then laughed: "Really? Don't coax me, everyone said that you were a bulletproof glass invulnerability when you were young."

    Song Jue was serious, "But Your smile is more penetrating than bullets, and you will never forget it once you see it."

    Cai Suya looked at him up and down with happy and admiring eyes, "It seems that my efforts have not been enough for so many years. In vain, your sweet-talking skills have finally been lit up!"

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