Chapter 17

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Chapter 17 "This, this is..." Sun Qingying was shocked...

    "This, this is..." Sun Qingying was both frightened and panicked, she almost bit her tongue off when she opened her mouth.     "It's a pity," Cai Suya

    took a sip of the mellow red wine in the glass, "I quite like this bottle of wine.     " After drinking, how can nothing happen?     "What did you do to A Kun?!"     Cai Suya glanced at her sideways and smiled, "I should ask, what do you want to do to me?"     She Shi Shiran got up and walked slowly towards Sun Qingying.     Xiao Xing was so frightened that she hurried to his side, shouting "Dad!"     But Zhan Kun didn't care about him at the moment.     He closed his eyes and felt the pain from his abdomen gradually subside. He suddenly felt a sense of rebirth. He looked at Cai Suya again. In addition to vigilance and vigilance in his eyes, there were also some things that he didn't even notice. Feared,     "What... did you do?"     "Me?" Cai Suya blinked, "I just repay you what you want to do to me."     Zhan Kun's face was bloodless, only his eyes were covered with cloth Full of red bloodshots, "Su Ya," he said weakly, "Don't do anything irreparable..."     Zhan Kun reacted suddenly, and hurriedly said: "Su Ya, I don't want to, I don't want to hurt you. Yes, it was Qingying who gave me the idea, and the poison in the wine was also given to me by her, I can't help it... I originally hoped to be reunited with you, and we will live a good life as a family in the future..."     "Zhan Kun!!!" Sun Qingying was exhausted, she glared at Zhan Kun, suspecting that she was blind and dizzy, and actually thought that Zhan Kun could compare with Song Jue.     She turned her head hastily and said eagerly, "Don't trust him! Cai Suya, Zhan Kun said that only when you die can the old man trust him again, and he will have a chance to take back the Zhan family!"

    Sun Qingying was frightened and frightened, she staggered back, but didn't know what she tripped over, she fell to the ground with a plop, and Cai Suya grabbed her hair with a chuckle.

    She was forced to raise her head high, and her wide eyes met her half-smiley eyes,

    "Cai Suya! What are you, what are you trying to do! I don't know anything!"

    "Really?" Cai Suya hooked her lips, Just grabbing her hair like this, dragged her to Zhan Kun abruptly. Halfway through, Sun Qingying let out a series of painful screams, and subconsciously reached out to save her hair from her hands, but she was powerless because of the pain and shock. The tears that flowed out of fear conditioning soon overflowed her eyes, making her even more embarrassed.

    Cai Suya leaned over with a smile and said, "I'm sorry, Miss Sun, I still trust my husband more than outsiders."

    She turned to look at Zhan Kun, who was lying on the ground, "Isn't it President Zhan? Why don't you tell me, does Miss Sun know about what happened today? If you say she doesn't know, I'll let her go, eh?"

    It was a very gentle tone, but at the moment Sun Qingying sounded a bit creepy. The chill permeated his body.

    Zhan Kun didn't recover for a long time. He lay on the ground, as if all his strength had been drained, and his clothes were soaked with sweat, as if he had just climbed up from the water.

    He took a deep breath and tried to speak, "Do you have the heart to let Xiaoxing witness the murder of his parents with his own eyes? "

    I can't bear it?" Cai Suya reached out and touched Xiaoxing's head lovingly, "Sooner or later he will know what his biological parents are."

    Zhan Kun was shocked: "Suya!

    " The ground sank, and a strong sense of unease filled his heart, "Xiao Xing, hurry up, please help Dad and your mother to beg for mercy. Dad knows that he is wrong, and he will never do anything wrong to Xiao Xing and your mother in the future!" He Unable to maintain his usual gentle and elegant expression, he grabbed Xiao Xing's arm in a panic, hurting him so much that he couldn't even care.

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