Chapter 143

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Chapter 143 The two were immersed in shock, it's been a long time...

    When the two were immersed in shock and did not react for a long time.

    Cai Suya, who was lying on the ground, let out a "hiss" in pain, got up slowly, looked down at the palms that became wet because they were resting on the ground, and frowned, "It's

    so dirty.

    She raised her head expressionlessly and looked at Sister Ai and A Qiao who were stunned beside her. A cold and sharp light flashed through her pure black eyes. Come.

    Sister Ai was so angry that she couldn't believe it. She was actually frightened by Cai Suya's look,

    "How dare you do it? Cai Suya, you don't want to live anymore?!" There was a sharp pain in the abdomen, Cai Suya kicked her stomach directly, Sister Ai was in pain, and the conditioned reflex clutched her stomach and fell to the ground.

    Ah Qiao was dumbfounded by the side. She was about to help, when she saw Sister Ai being kicked out. The next second, Cai Suya picked up the water pipe that was gurgling on the ground and rushed towards her. She panicked. Covering his face, he hurriedly stepped back,

    "Stop! Cai Suya...cough! You're crazy!"

    "Gulu...cough, cough...Gulu I'm wrong, stop now, I'm wrong..."

    Cai Suya looked coldly While she was crying and begging for mercy, she didn't forget to step on Sister Ai's hand on the ground. She screamed, and the severe pain from her physiology made her cry.

    Ah Qiao was originally the weakest of the three in the battle. After tossing and turning, when Cai Suya loosened the water pipe, she hid in the corner tremblingly, looking at her vigilantly and timidly, her lips trembling, and she was unable to say a word. .

    Fortunately, Cai Suya's attention was not on her. She walked slowly to Sister Ai. The sound of footsteps at this time was terrifying at the sound of dripping water.

    Cai Suya grabbed her neck and dragged her directly from the ground. She stared at Sister Ai who was terrified, and the force on her throat increased a little bit.

    - She's going to kill me!

    - This lunatic! She is for real!

    - Cai Suya! How dare you do this to me! When I go out, I won't be named Ai if I don't maim you! !

    ——...No, the air is getting less and less, so uncomfortable

    ——I won't really die...No! No! I don't want to die!

    - Let go, please let go!

    ——I was wrong, I was really wrong, I don't dare anymore...

    No matter how much she cried and cried in her heart, these words could never be said through her throat, who made her neck in Cai Suya now? Under control, she will live if she wants to live, or die if she wants to die.

    This kind of desperation and fear of dying but helpless can only be expressed through her gradually dilated pupils.

    Suddenly, Cai Suya let go.

    Sister Ai collapsed weakly, lying on the ground, coughing piercingly, "cough, cough, cough..."

    Cai Suya suddenly became interested when she saw her embarrassed appearance, and gently patted her on the back. Shooting, Sister Ai froze all over. The moment she touched her, goose bumps appeared all over her body, and she moved her hands and feet back together until she leaned against the door panel and had no way to retreat.

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