Chapter 34

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Chapter 34 Xiao Yao is a sensible and smart child...

    Xiao Yao is a sensible and smart child. Although he was obedient and studied in the study for an afternoon, he also had his own little ideas in his heart.

    Since it can make his mother happy, why can't he take the credit for himself?

    After all, he was the hardest working man.

    So, when I heard Cai Suya's voice calling the two from outside the door, Xiao Yao's reaction was much faster than Song Jue, so he ran out, "Mom, I just got four perfect marks!"

    Song Jue walked for a long time. Legs, followed slowly, watching him threw himself into Cai Suya's arms - pretending to be calm, but in fact his eyes were full of bright pride - happily showing the exam paper he completed in the afternoon.

    Song Jue somewhat regretted it, and should not forgive him for jumping two levels in a row and deliberately lowering the difficulty of the test paper.

    "Really?" Cai Suya held up his face in admiration, and her curved eyes were shining brightly, "Our Xiaoyao is awesome!"

    "As a reward, I will give you a day off tomorrow, and we will go on a tour. Is it good to play in the park?"

    Xiao Yao is not very interested in the amusement park itself, he prefers to go to the amusement park with his mother.


    He agreed in a clear voice, with a rare bright smile on his face.

    In addition to being happy, he turned his head and saw Song Jue who was silently following behind him. Xiao Yao didn't plan to bother with him anymore. After thinking about what his grandmother said to him, he thought about it carefully, turned around and said to Song Jue,

    "Mr. Song, you Will you go with me and my mother?"

    Song Jue was startled, and looked at Cai Suya subconsciously, and when she met her bright smile, the dark clouds in her heart were instantly dispelled by this bright light,

    "Well, good."

    He thought . Unconsciously softened, a slight smile overflowed from the lips, and the cold eyebrows seemed to be covered with a soft light.

    Xiao Yao looked in his eyes and pursed his lips,

    If he had to have a father, he would prefer Song Jue to be his father.

    Not only Song Jue felt that Xiao Yao's dull and precocious personality was similar to his own when he was young, but Xiao Yao also felt that compared to Zhan Kun, he was much more comfortable getting along with Teacher Song.

    Cai Suya was indeed consciously guiding Xiao Yao to gradually get closer to Song Jue.

    No matter how long she can stay in this time and space, Xiao Yao's blackening tendency must always be paid attention to.

    Song Jue was not considered gentle and considerate, but his cold and direct personality made Xiao Yao more trustworthy.

    When she tentatively left Xiao Yao to Song Jue to take care of her, she could see that the two of them were staying together. Although the atmosphere was quiet, there was a different kind of harmony.

    "You are really suitable to be a good father."

    Cai Suya couldn't help but say.

    Song Jue is self-aware, "That's because Xiao Yao is suitable for me." If

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