Chapter 51

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Chapter 51 Lu Huai has trouble understanding Xiao Heng's thinking,...

    It was difficult for Lu Huai to understand Xiao Heng's thinking logic, especially after knowing that she was sleeping, he was completely happy for her.

    She was stunned for a while, listening to Xiao Heng say softly, "Now that you have been favored by the emperor, you should rest your mind."

    Although it was a comforting word, it always made people feel that something was wrong.

    Lu Huai asked hesitantly, "Sister doesn't blame me?"

    Xiao Heng was a little surprised, and then smiled, "I blame you for what you did." There was a hint of disappointment in her eyes, "I decided to be with the emperor at the beginning. I knew that he would never be the only one."

    "You are my sister, if you are favored, I would be happier."

    Lu Huai stared at her blankly, somewhat moved, but Also some inexplicable awkwardness.

    But in the end, she firmly believed that Xiao Heng was the only person she could trust in the inner courtyard of the deep palace, so she didn't think deeply. She held Xiao Heng's hand tightly and said firmly,

    "Sister Xiao, don't worry, I only recognize you. A sister." "No matter what happens in the future, I will never give birth to two hearts     towards you.

    Lu Huai will definitely support my sister wholeheartedly."

    Xiao Heng smiled and said, "I naturally believe in you."

It was spread that Yanxi Palace soon became the hottest place in the palace.

    Whenever Emperor Liang entered the harem, he would definitely go to Yanxi Palace.

    There is both his old love and his new love here.

    Lu promised, now he is Lu Guiren, from being a little transparent who was oppressed, to becoming the favorite concubine second only to Concubine Xiao Shu, those cold-eyed ridicule in the past, now, there are warm and friendly smiles everywhere, even When Su Concubine saw her, she could only forcefully squeeze out a smile to maintain her superficial harmony.

    Of course, Lu Huai didn't want to be favored, but from simplicity to luxury, it was difficult to change from luxury to frugality. She didn't care much about Emperor Liang, but she was reluctant to refuse the glory and wealth brought by Emperor Liang.

    It just so happened that Xiao Heng didn't care about these foreign things, she only cared about Emperor Liang's feelings.

    The two sisters took what they needed, and worked together very well for a while.

    On this day, Xiao Heng and Lu Huai had nothing to do, thinking about going to the imperial garden to take a look at the scenery, Tu Qingjing deliberately went to a remote place, but accidentally picked up an embroidered handkerchief in the corner behind the rockery, embroidered with mandarin ducks on it Cross the neck, and there is a small "Wen" in the middle.

    The two of them just thought it was a little palace maid who fell on the ground, and they didn't pay much attention to it. They put the embroidered handkerchief back where it was, and turned around and left.

    Then I saw Dong Guiren who hurried back on the trail ahead.

    Seeing her running in a hurry, Xiao Heng said aloud, "Dong Guiren, you are still pregnant, you should be careful when you act." When

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