Chapter 152

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Chapter 152 Zhao Xiao looked at the eyes in front of him in shock...

    Zhao Xiao looked at the girl with delicate brows in front of him with a cold look, his anger dissipated in a blink of an eye, and his head was much clearer, "You..."

    - Are you Cai Suya?

    He likes to bully people, but he also pays attention to objects.

    In the past, firstly, he wanted to please Xi Mu, and secondly, he saw Cai Suya's cowardly temperament. It was a great thing to be able to tell the head teacher what happened to him, and she didn't dare to complain.

    But at this moment, Zhao Xiao suddenly came back to his senses, looked into it, and secretly wondered why Cai Suya looked like a different person.

    His brain circuit finally caught up with others.

    Could it be that Cai Suya has a stronger backer than Xi Mu? ?

    Sure enough, when Zhao Xiao returned to his seat angrily and opened the forum, the wind direction above had changed. ,

    He had a gloomy expression with a hint of apprehension, and it was rare for him to stop for a day, and he didn't find anyone to trouble him.

    After the morning class, Cai Suya simply packed up and planned to get up and leave.

    Before leaving the classroom door, the two Zhu brothers appeared at the door again.

    He woke Zhao Xiao, who was paralyzed on the desk, and stared at the door vigilantly, for fear that Zhu Wen and Zhu Wu would rush in and take him away like last time.

    Everyone subconsciously thought they were still looking for Zhao Xiao.

    However, Zhu Wen, who was walking in the front, only looked at Cai Suya from the beginning to the end, and said politely, "Student Cai, Young Master He asked me to pass a word that he is waiting for you on the first floor."

    —— His tone was completely different from when he came to catch Zhao Xiao yesterday.

    Cai Suya smiled and said, "I'm sorry, I have to go to the cafeteria first."

    How dare she refuse He Ziqian? ? !

    The eyes of everyone in the class became more and more wrong.

    Even the two brothers of the Zhu family were surprised, Zhu Wu frowned, and went forward to take the person away, but was stopped by Zhu Wen,

    "The first floor will naturally prepare your lunch."

    He said mildly, "But let He It's not good if you wait less."

    Cai Suya raised her eyes and said in a good voice, "What does it have to do with me?"

    Zhu Wen's smile on his face was suddenly pulled down, and the look in her eyes revealed a little bit. surprised.

    The brothers watched Cai Suya walk past them, Zhu Wu frowned, "Brother, are you going to chase her?"

    Zhu Wen shook his head, "Forget it."

    "She doesn't want to come anyway." To

    put it bluntly, today When Xi Mu and Cai Suya came to school together in the morning, he was told to be more careful. Cai Suya wouldn't go if he didn't go. He was also curious about Xi Shao's attitude towards her now.

    When Zhu Wen returned to the first floor, the four young masters were rarely there. He went straight to the restaurant. He Ziqian was waiting for him. Seeing that there was no one behind Zhu Wen and Zhu Wu, he was stunned,

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