Chapter 13

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Chapter 13 In the huge hall, the crowd of people, ...

    In the huge hall, the dark crowd, suits and leather shoes, and fragrant temples, all put away their voices and smiling faces, and wandered in shock and inexplicable among the few people who were in the focus of sight, the air was almost frozen, and it was quiet. Even the movement of a needle falling can startle people.

    No way, what the obviously frightened child said just now was too informative.

    "Aunt Sun", "stepmother"...

    These two words alone are enough to make people think of a whole dog blood drama.

    "Xiao Xing." Zhan Kun had never been so angry at his son before, so he lowered his voice, the fierce light in his eyes was comparable to the cold light reflected from a sharp blade, Xiao Xing was still a child after all, so he was naturally frightened, "Even if It's a prank, and you shouldn't lie in front of adults. Did I teach you that?"

    "Apologize soon!"

    "What's wrong with your son? Your first reaction as a father is to scare him. ." A clear and pleasant female voice suddenly sounded from the crowd, and everyone followed the sound and saw that it was Cai Suya, and the light of gossip in his eyes became brighter.

    Cai Suya walked slowly to Xiaoxing's side, glanced at Zhan Kun, squatted down, and the red dress was scattered on the ground.

    She wiped away the tears on Xiaoxing's face distressedly, and said softly, "Xiaoxing, my father's temper is not because he hates you, but because he thinks you are lying."

    Zhan Kun saw Cai Suya stand up When the time came, his heart was already in his throat, and he stared at her, for fear that she would say something to add fuel to the fire.

    - Fortunately not.

    He breathed a sigh of relief, "Xiao Xing, let's go with your mother first."

    "Sorry, it's a child who is ignorant..." He smiled and turned to the crowd around him, wanting to get past this issue as soon as possible.


    "I didn't lie!"

    Xiaoxing shouted at Cai Suya, her face flushed, "I heard what she told Dad about the paternity test, she wanted to say that I was not Dad's biological son, so that she could let Dad abandon me I'm gone!"

    "Just like those vicious stepmothers, she wants to have her own child with dad, so I hope I disappear soon!!" As

    she spoke, Xiaoxing's eyes were red and swollen, her face was covered with tears, and she was choked up. Tears made the originally crisp voice blurred and hoarse, and the pitiful appearance, even the hard-hearted person, gave birth to a little compassion.

    "Mom, am I really not my father's biological son?"

    This voice was timid, fragile and cautious.

    A certain lady who had an almost eldest son couldn't take it anymore. She frowned and glanced at Sun Qingying reproachfully, "Anyway, how can you say such a thing to a child?"

    One of the people onlookers said, The rest couldn't hold back:

    "Is it intentional, keep the child in the house, and let him hear his father's words about abandoning him..."

    "Ah? This is too much!"

    "No... going to be someone's stepmother, it's just a child, how much can it get in the way?"

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