Chapter 123

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Chapter 123 Cai Suqing tries hard to recall her sister in memory...

    Cai Suqing tried her best to recall what her sister looked like in her memory, but the two sisters separated. To be honest, it took only about a year. But on the phone, she looked at her sister who grew up, and the familiar voice made her feel extremely unfamiliar. .

    Along with the various questions that appeared one after another, there was also a trace of unease that made her feel frightened.

    - I have to go back!

    An idea popped into her mind, but Qin Shaoqi and Cai Suya are still recording the show in the hut at the moment, and they won't be able to come out until at least half a month later. During this time, if they don't take the initiative to contact her, Cai Suqing can't do anything at all. .

    Like this time, should I call through the program team again?

    As long as Cai Suya or Qin Shaoqi made it clear that they didn't want to contact her, she couldn't do anything.

    Cai Suqing stood sadly in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows with a bright and clear forehead, letting the blazing sunlight pour on her, and suddenly, a pair of hands followed her slender waist and hugged her gently from behind,

    "Qingqing, what's wrong? Do you look worried?"

    She was startled, turned around in a hurry, looked at the handsome and elegant man behind her, hurriedly looked away, and lowered her head shyly, "No, no, I just... just had a fight with my sister. After the call..." The

    person who came here obviously knew the entanglement between her and Cai Suya, and there was a little concern in her smile, "Is it because of the previous thing again?

    " , turned to seem unwilling to mention this, and held his hand with a reluctant smile, "Don't talk about this, I've made dinner, you can wait for me in the restaurant."

    "I'll change my clothes, Come here soon."

    After speaking, she stood on tiptoe, placed a light kiss on the man's lips, and pulled away.

    The only left man stood there, looking at her leaving back, his eyes were gentle like water, his thin lips raised slightly, and he let out a chuckle.

    He still likes her quite a bit, so he knows that Cai Suqing is deliberately hiding his plan to not care about anything from him.

    I hope she can solve her little troubles as soon as possible. He is going abroad to relax, but he doesn't want to keep a restless female companion by his side.

    On the other hand, in China, Cai Suya was not stingy, and conveyed all the words that Cai Suqing said over the phone to Qin Shaoqi,

    "I said it a little harder this time, maybe my sister will be sad for a while."

    She sighed softly. With a sigh of relief, he said with a half-smile, "But if you think about the good, if I'm agitated by me, she might be reluctant to part with you again?"

    "Qin Shaoqi, do you think you know my sister better, or do I know her better?"

    " Yes Why don't we make a bet?" She suddenly said excitedly, "I bet she will find a way to contact you today."

    Qin Shaoqi was speechless: "You think too much."

    In his impression, Cai Suqing is a typical outsider and insider Gang's personality will not be easily changed once she makes up her mind. When she wanted to break up, she packed up her things and flew abroad overnight. At the same time, she blocked all of Qin Shaoqi's contact information and changed her number.

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