Chapter 95

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Chapter 95 The old lady is still followed by the familiar...

    Behind the old lady was the familiar little fat man.

    He nimbly shuttled through the crowd, pulling the man's clothes from time to time, turning his head to grab the man's hand.

    Everyone sees that he is a child, he smiles most of the time and doesn't really care.

    Until he stole a cucumber from a vegetable basket in a woman's hand, he didn't wipe it, but gnawed a piece off his mouth.

    The little fat man ran back to the old lady and gave his grandma a smug smile.

    The chubby face made the old lady very rare, and she repeatedly praised: "Oh, our stone is really clever, just like your father!"

    This time the movement was so loud that the woman who was robbed of a cucumber was stunned for a while. , then turned her head and shouted at the old lady, "How did your child teach you? Come up to ask and grab something without asking?" The

    old lady's face was pulled, and the loving expression disappeared, leaving only serious and mean, "Why not just one. Root cucumber, do you still consider it a baby?"

    "The child is ignorant, you are such an old man, and you don't know how to let him!" The

    woman was very happy, "I let him even when he robbed me? I am His father is still his mother, why!" The

    two sides quarreled like this.

    The woman is in charge, old lady, one is older and the other is younger, under the stalking, the crowd of onlookers who came up behind didn't know the truth, and she was really deceived by her.     Wang Hehua and Cai Suya happened to pass by at this time. When they saw the old lady in the center of the crowd, Wang Hehua

    took Cai Suya and left, "Quick, we can't join in the fun."

Going forward in one direction, "What's the matter? Sister Lotus, why do you seem to be afraid of that old lady?"

    Wang Hehua rolled her eyes, "You came over by train with her, and Aunt Wang did not make it difficult for you, right? ?"

    Cai Suya smiled and said, "It's okay, but I didn't expect them to be military members."

    Wang Hehua sighed and said, "Oh, don't say it, it's not the first time that Captain Wang's mother has come here. When she first came back to the military area, I just came here, and there was no newly built military area at that time. , Everyone lives in a large courtyard, and you can't see them when you look up and see them down. I thought it was right to have a good relationship, so I sent something to her house from time to time.

    " The things from the past, even the dishes were not seen and returned to me. I have to ask directly, Aunt Wang said that she has a bad memory when she is old, so she brought it back to me, and she dragged it on without writing. "

    "After coming and going, of course I don't want to interact with their family." Wang Hehua's tone was disdainful, "This is good, she leads her grandson to the door by herself, and she is always rushing to eat, and then she leaves after eating, but At such an old age, I can't chase her away, it's really a headache."

    Cai Suya blinked, "Then battalion commander Wang didn't say anything?"

    Wang Hehua shook her head, "He, a filial son of heaven, wish he could take his mother Give it up... oh well, let's not talk about it."

    She only whispered under Cai Suya's questioning.

    Commander Wang's life experience is somewhat similar to that of Xiang Dingbang. His father died early, and his mother raised him. But Battalion Commander Wang had no brothers, only a younger sister, and Aunt Wang was not a hard-working and strong character. The mother and son were very poor. It was not until Commander Wang joined the army that their living conditions gradually improved.

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