Chapter 86

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Chapter 86 Rao is Cai Suya, seeing Zhou Lihua's hands...

    Rao was Cai Suya, and she couldn't help showing a hint of surprise when she saw the eggs in Zhou Lihua's hands.

    How could one day be able to receive something from Zhou Lihua's fingers? Even if it's just two eggs, it is estimated that it can make her feel bad enough.

    "Second sister-in-law is so polite."

    Cai Suya stepped forward with a smile and took the bowl from her hand. Sure enough, she saw the tangle and distress in Zhou Lihua's eyes. She tried to hold the bowl tightly, but she could only watch helplessly as the two The bowl of eggs fell into Cai Suya's hands.

    "No, it's all right." She couldn't bear it anymore, and pulled out a smile, "It's me who disturbed you."

    "Dingbang is back so soon?"

    She rolled her eyes, looking towards their house intentionally or unintentionally. Seeing that, Cai Suya didn't intend to hide it, she smiled and said, "Yeah, haven't I been sick recently? Dingbang went to buy a chicken to make up my body." After saying that, she turned around, "You first put The chicken has been killed, I'll talk to the second sister-in-law, and I'll find you when I turn around."

    Xiang Dingbang nodded, "Go in and talk, it's windy outside."

    He put on his coat, nodded at Zhou Lihua, and strode forward. went out.

    Zhou Lihua looked at the back of him leaving, and her expression couldn't help revealing a hint of envy, "Dingbang is so kind to you." As for

    a chicken, buy it if you say it, kill it if you say it.

    Zhou Lihua couldn't help feeling sour in her heart, she hadn't eaten chicken for a long time.

    The chickens in the family are all raised to lay eggs, and no one is willing to kill them. To a certain extent, it is more difficult than pork. When she gave birth, she only got two more bowls of chicken soup, but it was gone when the confinement was finished.

    Cai Suya pursed her lips and smiled, "He is cold on the outside and hot on the inside, and he always does more than he says."

    Zhou Lihua's heart became more and more sour. Compared with Xiang Dingbang, her family's Xiang Dingjun had to be able to talk a lot, but that is to say He does more than he does, coaxes her every day, and can usually be gentle and considerate, but if he really asks what he wants, he won't even hear a sound.

    Suddenly, she thought about it, her dull eyes suddenly lit up, looking at Cai Suya, her tone became a lot closer, "Yes, mother often said that Dingbang looked cold, but he was actually a warm-hearted person.

    " Among relatives, if there is any need for help, he never refuses."

    Hearing this, Cai Suya raised her eyebrows, "What does the second sister-in-law mean?"

    Zhou Lihua said with a smile, "That's right, I have a younger brother in my family, This year is not too young, my parents plan to find a job for him."

    "But Su Ya, you know, we villagers don't have the opportunity to study and go to school, but he is the only man in the family, and we all hope that he will be able to. What is the future, why don't you tell Dingbang for me to see if there is a way to send him into the army?"

    Cai Suya met her expectant gaze and couldn't help laughing,

    "The days in the army are not only hard, but also Dangerous, if the wounds on Dingbang's body, big and small, are on your little brother, wouldn't you feel bad?"

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