Chapter 52

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Chapter 52 After the old mama went back, she didn't dare to hide it at all...

    After the old mama went back, she did not dare to hide it at all, and relayed all Cai Suya's "threat" to the queen mother.

    The Queen Mother was naturally furious. She finally forbeared her son's ascension to the throne. She thought that no one in the world would dare to let her taste a little bit of grievance, but this eccentric queen actually contradicted her everywhere!

    "Come on! No matter what method you use, go to Kunning Palace and bring the queen to Ai's family!"

    Seeing this, the old lady quickly persuaded, "If the master is in trouble, the emperor won't be able to hide it!"

    What's the matter? I have to wait for Dong Guiren to confess before going to tell the emperor. The old lady is worried. If I look back, this is a misunderstanding, and Dong Guiren's womb will be damaged. The emperor in turn resents the empress dowager.

    The old mama deeply felt that although the empress did not speak well, her concern was right. Who knows what Concubine Xiao Shu and Lu Guiren had in mind?

    The queen mother took a few deep breaths, and finally suppressed the surging anger in her heart.

    She originally wanted Cai Suya to preside over the matter, just as Lu Huai thought, no matter what she found out, it would not sell well on the emperor's side.

    However, no one thought that the queen could be so rigid.

    Don't take it up if you fight for your reputation, you know, even the queen, who is contaminated with the reputation of "unfilial piety" will be abolished!

    But...the queen mother had a gloomy face, thinking of the threats from Cai Suya's mouth, she was not sure how much she knew and whether she had evidence in her hands... For the time being, it's really not good to deal with her rashly.

    Now that the Queen's sword was gone, the Queen Mother couldn't helplessly watch her son raise children for others, so her deep eyes slowly shifted to Xiao Heng and Lu Huai, who were sitting quietly at the bottom.

    The two noticed it immediately, and they secretly screamed badly in their hearts.

    Sure enough, in the next second, the Queen Mother calmed down. She sighed while holding her forehead, "Go to Xuan Dong's nobles, and go to the Qiankun Palace to inform the emperor and let him come over when he is free."

    "Be careful when you go to invite Dong Guiren."

    This time, she didn't talk about the matter of summoning the queen. The queen mother understood it. If the queen didn't get involved in this matter, it would be fine. If she was there, maybe the next day , The whole world knows the anecdote of the emperor's concubine stealing people.

    The rest of Xiao Heng and Lu Huai looked at each other, and both noticed the seriousness in each other's eyes.

    They didn't expect that the queen mother would actually be soft on the queen? ?


    After many years of forbearance, once ascending to the sky,

    how could the queen mother swallow her anger and be crushed by the younger generation? !

    This is good. After several plans, everyone wants to use a knife to kill people. They want to turn the queen mother into that knife, but the queen mother is superior, which in turn makes them have no way out.

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