Chapter 97

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Chapter 97 On the second day, Cai Suya... didn't get up.


    The next day, Cai Suya... didn't get up.

    After the bell rang in the morning, she stumbled into the warm quilt and fell asleep again, vaguely hearing Xiang Dingbang's voice, but before she could hear his words clearly, her consciousness fell into deep chaos again.

    When she opened her eyes again, it was already bright outside, and her body was still sore. Cai Suya stretched her waist and rolled over and over in the quilt several times before she barely lifted the quilt and got up.

    She left food for Xiang Dingbang yesterday, and he left her breakfast this morning.

    A bowl of porridge, three eggs, and two large meat buns that should have been bought from the cafeteria.

    Cai Suya simply took them for breakfast and lunch.

    When Xiang Dingbang came back at noon, she had just finished eating and he saw her. Although he was distressed, he didn't say anything.

    She only cleaned up the tableware, and then put out the porridge that she couldn't eat in the pot, and it was solved in a few mouthfuls.

    "I'm free in the afternoon. I'll accompany you to buy something in the town. This house is too empty. What do you want to add?"

    Cai Suya snorted twice. Seeing that he washed his hands, he sat down beside her with a big warm hand for her. Kneading the waist, the anger in my heart disappeared a little.

    "Anyway, your passbook is still in my hands." She smiled and said, "If you run out of money, it will be too late for you to be anxious."

    The smile on Xiang Dingbang's lips showed a touch of helplessness and favor. Drowning, "You are the head of the family, I will listen to you."

    To be honest, he was busy in the army all the year round, and from time to time he would go out to do tasks, let him be the master of the house, and he himself felt guilty.

    Vehicles in the army to purchase military supplies go to town once a week, and they just hitch a ride back and forth.

    Not only Xiang Dingbang and Cai Suya, but also many people in the family area are also specializing in shopping for things today, but only the two of them came as a couple.

    What Cai Suya wanted to buy, in addition to sewing machines, was nothing more than fabrics, as well as some skin care products such as vanishing cream, but I didn't care much about eating them. Anyway, there were fresh vegetables and meat available in the military market.

    "Hey! Let's take a photo!"

    She passed by a small photo studio, she suddenly became interested, dragged Xiang Dingbang in, and looked around curiously at the black and white photos posted on the window.

    Xiang Dingbang is wearing a military uniform today, with wide shoulders and narrow waist. He is noble and cold, which best suits his aura. Cai Suya wears a simple and elegant navy blue cotton jacket, but the inside has been replaced with white made by herself. The high-neck slim-fitting thin sweater, with a chin-length neckline that highlights her slender neck and a smooth jawline, makes her whole face look more delicate and petite.

    With red lips and white teeth, even in black and white photos, Cai Suya seems to have an unusual color.

    The owner of the photo studio was full of praise for the photos of the two of them, "If you take a random photo, you will look like a big star in a pictorial."

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