Chapter 50

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Chapter 50 Actually, I can't blame Emperor Liang, in him...

    In fact, it can't be entirely blamed on Emperor Liang. In his view of cognition, there is absolutely no possibility that "concubines do not ask for his favor".

    Even if Lu Huai hadn't conveyed obvious love and yearning to him before, it was because she had a dull personality and didn't know how to express it. Emperor Liang realized that he could see the beautiful side of her quiet and silent expression, and it was his unique vision that gave Lu Huai a chance.

    Lu Huai was both shocked and at a loss, and subconsciously turned his head to look at Xiao Heng.

    Xiao Heng was also surprised, showing a gentle and kind smile at random, and took the initiative to wave to Lu Huai, "Huaimei, since the emperor has spoken, why are you shy?

    She then explained to Emperor Liang, "Huaimei has a temperament. She was timid and could not say a word for a long time when she was unfamiliar with her concubine. I also asked the emperor to take more care. When

    Emperor Liang heard the words, his expression became softer.

    When he was still the prince, Lu Huai was introverted and silent, and he found it boring, but now that she is pleasing to the eye, this trait has become a different kind of interest.

    Besides, he first ascended to the throne, which is fresh At that time, someone was trembling in front of him, for fear of saying the wrong word, but it made him recover a lot of confidence from the state of humiliation after a series of incidents.

    "Sister Huai? Emperor Liang smiled, "You two are really like sisters. "

    Ah Heng, it's rare for someone to like you so much, I'm very relieved." He patted Xiao Heng 's

    hand and sighed softly, full of tenderness.

    Xiao Heng's heart softened instantly, "Emperor Lao always thinks about concubine, concubine is fine. Emperor Liang blamed, "

    How can there be nothing wrong? I see that you have lost weight again, but the doctor's daily report is as usual, so I am relieved that I didn't come to see you, and I didn't think that you didn't take good care of yourself at all.

    Xiao Heng was moved in a few words. She thought that Emperor Liang had ignored her for a long time, maybe she had changed her mind. It turned out that he was paying attention to her body secretly, and he even called the imperial doctor to ask questions during his busy schedule .

    There were tears in her beautiful eyes, looming, and a happy and happy smile rose on her lips, and she said softly, "Your concubine has always known."

    "Don't worry, I will take good care of myself in the future, never again. I won't let you worry anymore."

    Yurong breathed a sigh of relief beside her, and finally didn't have to worry about the master's stagnation and tea and rice.

    Lu Huai had a completely different feeling. She stared blankly at Emperor Liang coaxing Xiao Heng into ecstasy, and her heart was full of doubts.

    In front of Emperor Liang, Xiao Heng seemed to be different from the smart and beautiful sister Xiao she knew. For no reason, why did she seem to have changed her personality?

    Lu Huai was in a trance, thinking of her sweetheart. In the past, when her father scolded her, she said that she would think Da Da had lost her head. At that time, Lu Huai only thought that her father was stubborn and pedantic, but now that she thinks about it, maybe the real affection is true. Will make people dizzy.

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