Chapter 175

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Chapter 175 I heard someone call Cai Suya's name, Lin Yu...

    Hearing someone call Cai Suya's name, Lin Yu reflexively stopped the car.

    Cai Suya was also taken aback, "Why are you here?"

    There was pure puzzlement in her tone, Cai Suya grew up so big, even if you count the parent-teacher association, Cai Yi did not appear at her school more than three times.

    However, Cai Yi looked directly at Lin Yu who was sitting next to Cai Suya. She was handsome and elegant, but when she raised her eyebrows a little, she showed an unusual bearing. Her time as Mrs. Xi was not short, and it was easy to see that Lin Yu was probably from an extraordinary background. Just sitting in the car and looking at her posture could suppress her who was still standing.

    It took a long while for her to regain her senses, and she said to Cai Suya with a smile, "You are busy with your studies. Mom came to see you and brought you a meal by the way. Are you not used to eating in the school cafeteria?"

    Cai Suya smiled, "If you are not used to it, , I've gotten used to it after eating for a year."

    Cai Yi's smile froze for a moment, "You kid, you're so sensible, you don't know what to tell your mother."

    She tentatively looked at the man in the driver's seat. , "Who is this?"

    "Oh," Cai Suya turned her head and introduced with a smile, "This is Teacher Lin."

    "Mr. Lin..." Just as Cai Yi was about to say hello with a smile, she suddenly remembered that after Xi Tongfang fell ill She kept talking about the three brothers of the Xi family, and it was the Lin family. When she was accompanying Xi Tongfang, Xi Yin came to visit him once. The father and son mentioned that Xi Ye was taken away by the police. Called a "Mr. Lin", and the unfamiliar said that Cai Yi had not been thinking about it for a long time.

    "You, you are that Teacher Lin?"

    Cai Suya and Lin Yu looked at each other, the corners of her lips rose slightly, and she asked in confusion, "Which Teacher Lin?"

    "That's it..." Cai Yi hesitated before she looked at Lin Yu didn't think he was so handsome and gentle, so close, the cold light reflected from the thin lenses made her look away in a hurry, her heartbeat suddenly accelerated, "I really want to hear it somewhere, maybe it's because he taught you Bar."

    Cai Suya reluctantly raised the corners of her lips and expressed her motherly care and love, "Where are you going? If you don't go back to the dormitory after school, why not go home with your mother?"

    Cai Suya frowned, "No, I have to find Lin. The teacher is helping me with tuition."

    "Mom, if you miss me, I'll go home at night. I'll be there at nine o'clock at the latest."

    Cai Yi pursed her lips and wanted to say more, but Cai Suya was already in the car He waved her goodbye,

    "Mom, go back, Xiao Xirui wants you to take care of her."

    Cai Yi could only watch the car drive out of her line of sight, and even the urge to open her mouth to call Cai Suya was overwhelmed The inexplicable intuition was suppressed.

    Su Ya, what is the relationship with that teacher Lin?

    She was full of unease, and when she thought that Teacher Lin and the Xi family and even the He Lu Xu family were inseparable from the current crisis, Cai Yi's heart sank completely.

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