Chapter 162

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Chapter 162 "Hello everyone, I'm Shu Yi."


    "Hello everyone, I'm Shu Yi."

    In the video, her face is haggard, her face is pale, her eyebrows are tightly wrinkled, revealing an indescribable sense of tension, her eyes are full of panic and helplessness, which makes people feel I couldn't help but mention my heart,

    "I'm sorry to ask everyone for help in this way, but this is the only way I can think of!"

    "This is my only hope, please help me!!"

    Cai Suya looked at On the screen of the mobile phone, Shu Yi, who had tears in her eyes, felt a little admiration in her heart.

    If it wasn't for her knowing the inside story, maybe she would have believed that Shu Yi was an ordinary girl persecuted by the power and felt sympathy.

    When she cried, she did not have a pitiful beauty, but revealed a very contagious despair, which easily made the audience empathize.

    "...Before telling the truth, I would like to sincerely apologize to everyone, especially the fans who have supported me over the years. It is not me that you love, and the book that has won me countless honors and praises is not me. Written, its real author is my good friend, Xiao Luo, her real name is Yu Wenluo, I'm sorry, whether you can forgive my deception or not, but please remember this name."

    Shu Yi looked at the camera , bowed deeply, and did not get up for a long time.

    "Xiao Luo, who has passed away, this novel is a legacy left before her death, because her parents did not want her to waste time on creation and not have a good rest outside of her studies and illnesses, so she has been She asked me to help her hide it, and I did the same... But I didn't expect that this would eventually become a bargaining chip for the He family to threaten me, and sure enough, my mother was right, lying will pay the price."

    Shu Yi snorted lightly . With a sound, the fluttering voice was a bit dazed in self-deprecating self-deprecation, and vividly showed the inner contradictions and upheaval of a misguided, kind-hearted teenage girl.

    "But if it's just this matter, I won't help the tyrants, go against my conscience and take the blame on He Ziqian's behalf! I have already handed over the interests of this book to Xiaoluo's parents over the years, and I have discussed with the editor whether it is possible to go public. When it was announced that the author would be changed to Xiaoluo's name, I thought I was really making up for the mistakes I made, but by accident I put my parents in danger."

    "The He family made them work in a low-key manner and locked them in a house . The secret place, they said that if I don't obey, they will let me never see my parents again... They are just ordinary people! It is because of my daughter that I have suffered such a catastrophe, and I can't sleep every night. , as soon as I closed my eyes, I couldn't help wondering if they were abused... woo woo I really can't stand it!"     Shu Yi covered her face and cried bitterly, "I promised the He family to compile those baseless lies. To deceive others, I also obediently got on a plane and came to a completely unfamiliar country...I don't know anyone, and I can't understand what they say. When I think of my parents who are still in the country, I don't know if they are alive or dead. How can I live my life in peace..."     "Please everyone, save my parents! They are innocent, I am willing to pay the price for any crime I have committed, even if I go to prison, please, let my father go Mom, don't hurt them..." The     video is not long, only seven or eight minutes.     For a long period of time, Shu Yi incoherently begged for help to save her parents. She looked miserable and pitiful. No matter how hard-hearted people were, they would inevitably feel pity. At this time, no one could bear to blame her for taking her friend's work as her own. .     Filial piety is a virtue engraved in the bones of this nation.     Even if a murderous villain is filial enough to his parents, it seems that he is not that bad.     What's more, Shu Yi is not a villain.     She was only sixteen years old, and the sixteen-year-old child showed her determination to sacrifice everything for her parents, and let the adults see it, how could she not bear it?     The He family's entry of bullying and bullying the weak once again detonated the Internet, which was not the same as the last time.

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