Chapter 134

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Chapter 134 This is Jiang Gu Qiu thinking about it, and finally sitting down...

    This is Jiang Gu Qiu's decision to sit down after thinking about it.

    Indeed, even if there is no timing, she still has Xu Kun. The popularity of her and Xu Kun's CP does not need to be much different from Cai Suya's.

    Cold literary beauty VS infatuated sunshine tough guy, their styles have not been replaced by others, so even if they are not the most fans, they are rarely loyal and united. If you make good use of this character, Jiang Guqiu may usher in a new career. 's peak.

    However, she could deceive herself, but she couldn't deceive the paintbrush in her hand.

    The teacher was right, Jiang Guqiu quietly looked at the blank drawing paper in front of him, his eyes blank.

    The more the senses and emotions that imprint on the soul, the more they can be drawn with a paint brush, the more they can resonate with the viewer, thereby creating a work that is extremely powerful and infectious.

    She used to think that she had no inspiration from the timing.

    But now Jiang Guqiu discovered that the feelings she has now, such as jealousy, resentment, grievance, remorse, and not being able to ask for anything... are all unclearly related to the timing, and her paintings cannot be separated from him.

    No one, not even Xu Kun, can replace him.

    Jiang Guqiu silently picked up the paintbrush beside him, swiped heavily on the square of red paint, raised his hand, and the bright red vermilion left a scratch on the white paper. Maybe she was too hard, and there were a few lines in the line. Drops of red paint slowly flowed down, and at first glance, it looked like blood and tears left by drawing paper.

    Maybe one day in the future, she will discard him boringly because she can't get inspiration from the timing, but not now, she still needs him.

    Her brush needs him.

    In the blink of an eye, it was getting dark, and it was ten o'clock in the evening.

    Jiang Guqiu's wandering consciousness was awakened by the sudden ringing of her cell phone. She suddenly recovered, got up and picked up the cell phone placed at the door, answered,


    "You are on time."

    She said in a tone of admiration.

    On the other end of the phone, Fu Lun said slightly coldly, "Forget these polite words, and speak directly."

    Jiang Guqiu quietly lowered his eyes and said softly, "So, what do you think of my proposal?"

    Fu Lun snorted coldly, "Didn't you say you want timing? So what are you going to do? You can't let me solve everything."

    "I understand."

    Jiang Guqiu sighed lightly, "As long as you want to. There is a way to make Cai Suya no longer close to the timing, and I also have a way to make him not take the initiative to find her."

    "What can you do?" Fu Lun's laughter was mixed with a bit of contempt, "If you really have a way, do you still need to cooperate with me? "

    Jiang Guqiu has always been cold and arrogant. Even before his debut, he was praised for his outstanding talent from childhood to adulthood. How can he endure Fu Lun's sarcasm from time to time,

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