Chapter 103

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Chapter 103 Before the front car of Mrs. Wang, Xiang Da...

    Before there was Mrs. Wang, the arrival of Mrs. Xiang aroused a lot of curiosity and speculation.

    It was also the first time she came to the army. She was a little nervous and didn't notice the strange eyes of others. She greeted everyone politely and looked very easy to get along with.

    All the way from the gate to the military building, her face was frozen with laughter, Aunt Xiang couldn't wait to push the door and enter the house, just in time to see Cai Suya leaning on the chair lazily, looking very relaxed and happy.

    Aunt Xiang couldn't help her eyelids twitching, and a familiar, suffocating feeling appeared in her heart.

    "You..." She pulled her old face down, just about to lose her temper, Cai Suya preempted her and looked up with a smile, "Mother, have you been working hard this way? Sit down and drink some water, really, you're from home , what are you doing with so many things? It's too polite, how heavy the journey is, you must be exhausted... By the way, let me introduce to you, this is the place of Sister Lotus who lives next door to our house... His

    tone was unhurried, and a large paragraph of words was thrown head-on as if he were chanting a mantra, which made the old lady bewildered, and reflexively followed her line of sight, only to find that there were several people sitting in front of Cai Suya. , Depending on their age, they should all be military wives in the military building.     Aunt Xiang is a strong person, and the last thing she wants is a family scandal. She is angry now, seeing Wang Hehua smiling and greeting her, she can only press down her anger in front of her,     "I'm so sorry, I didn't even enter the door. I can say hello to all of you, you all sit down, you're welcome..."     "Mother," Cai Suya interrupted her chat softly, "The house over there has been tidied up, and it's reserved for you. Why don't you put down the things you're carrying first?"     Aunt Xiang gave her a blank look, "These are all used to make up your body, what are you doing in my room?"     After speaking, she walked straight to the kitchen, although it was not cold or cold. It's hot, but most of the words are thinking about her and the child's words.

    Chen Xiaofen... Yes, Chen Xiaofen is here again, because Aunt Xiang, there are many curious people who came to see her house today, so she was in the middle and naturally came over to join in the fun.

    Chen Xiaofen must have a very low sense of existence today. It was not until Aunt Xiang went to the kitchen with two big bags that she said enviously,

    "Suya, your mother-in-law is so nice."

    "If my mother-in-law treats you like her . How happy should I be for me like that."

    Chen Xiaofen stepped on herself to support Cai Suya without hesitation, and the others around her nodded in agreement.

    The topic inevitably turned to Mrs. Wang again. If a group had someone they hated in common, even if she had been gone for a long time, talking about the things she did back then would still make her feel emotional and tired.

    Chen Xiaofen is Aunt Wang's daughter-in-law after all. It's hard to denounce how rude and unreasonable she is with everyone. She stood up embarrassedly, "I'll go to the kitchen and see if there's anything I can do to help Auntie.

    " At the same time, they all went home.

    The polite smile on Mrs. Xiang's face was pulled down all of a sudden, but she kept her face straight and muttered, "Really, don't you look at how big your belly is? To make so many people make noise around you, it's not at all. I know how to stop..."

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