Chapter 39

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Chapter 39 Mrs. Cai gave birth to a son and two daughters, and the eldest daughter grew up...

    Mrs. Cai gave birth to a son and two daughters. The eldest daughter was raised by her mother-in-law and had little affection. Although she loved the eldest son, she hoped that he would be both civil and military, outstanding, and bring glory to herself in the future. The little daughter is the true love without any distractions.

    So from childhood to adulthood, Cai Xiangling, let alone being beaten, sometimes gets into trouble, and when her father and brother say something to her, Mrs. Cai will stand up to defend her daughter.

    She never thought that it was the first time in her life that she was slapped by someone who loved her the most, or in front of her eldest sister who had never looked down on her before.

    Cai Xiangling was both wronged and ashamed. She covered her face

    and stared at Madam Cai in disbelief. After a while, big tears overflowed her eyes, "Mother, you hit me!" endlessly.

    But Cai Suya slowly interjected at this moment, "Aiya, third sister, don't blame your mother, it's all my fault, I thought that my mother loved you so much, and I naturally thought that the best teenagers in the world can be worthy of you, That's why I mentioned His Highness the Crown Prince, but I didn't expect... it's all my fault, don't cry, mother definitely didn't mean it."

    Madam Cai turned her head and glared at her, her face ashen with anger, "You shut up. !"

    Cai Suya didn't frown, she still looked like a smile but not a smile, her attitude was very good, "Mother don't be angry with the third sister, I know the words of my parents' life matchmaker, don't worry, as long as you don't agree. , I definitely won't let the third sister get close to the prince." When

    Cai Xiangling heard this, she was instantly anxious, and she couldn't care to cry, her eyes were red and swollen, looking at Madam Cai anxiously and angrily, "It's a loss for me. Mother, you love me the most, and you are just talking about it without thinking about it, your love for me is not as good as that of the eldest sister!"

    "You! You are a scumbag!" Madam Cai's guilt and distress that had just been born disappeared in an instant, and she pointed at her little daughter, trembling with anger, and she felt dizzy in front of her.

    Cai Suya didn't want the two of them to fight in the East Palace, so she hurriedly said, "Mother, the third sister, it's all my fault. If you want to blame me, you can blame me, but don't be really angry with each other..." She said, sending the two away When they went out, they spoke earnestly and watched the mother and daughter sit on the seat of the Li Palace.

    Liu Hua followed behind her from beginning to end, and also watched a good show, and sighed softly: "In the past, the lady was always picky about the master, but now it seems that the third lady who grew up in the palm of the lady's hand is the best. The one that made her sad."

    Cai Suya smiled: "It's only when you care."

    She turned around lightly, "Let's go, let's go back."


    prince regretted it.

    regret but too late.

    After the emperor bestowed the marriage, he also secretly asked people to investigate the prince concubine's behavior, saying that "you are a good girl, filial and filial", and she is a virtuous daughter of a boudoir.

    But he didn't expect that the princess could be "virtuous" to such a degree.

    Worrying about her husband's health, which would hinder the royal inheritance, she eagerly helped him usher in a large number of concubines to the East Palace.

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