Chapter 87

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Chapter 87 However, a few minutes later, Jiang Daping came back,...

    However, a few minutes later, Jiang Daping came back and told Cai Suya a piece of news, which successfully rekindled her interest.

    It was Xu Wenxiu and Wang Xuehua who were caught and kissed me behind the haystack.

    There was thick snow on the haystacks, and this heavy snow fell suddenly, which was temporarily forgotten by the owner's family. There was also a family who was lazy before and didn't save enough firewood, and now it was too cold to bear, and planned to secretly bring some back to start a fire, but when they went, they ran into Xu Wenxiu and Wang Xuehua, and accidentally alarmed them.

    Afraid that the purpose of stealing the grass would be exposed, the man would do it first, and shouted that they were hooking up behind the haystack and secretly attacking the target.

    After a while, a lot of good-looking and lively onlookers were attracted. Xu Wenxiu and Wang Xuehua covered their faces and struggled to escape from the crowd.

    After hearing this, Zhou Lihua tsk tsk shook her head, "They are still educated youths, the educated youth institute is not big enough for them to play? It has to be cold outside, and I don't know what to think."

    She suddenly remembered, "Eh, Xu Zhiqing Aren't you engaged to Yu Mingxia?"

    Yes, before the heavy snowfall, Xu Wenxiu went to the Yu family to formally propose marriage with a lot of gifts. It is said that there was a big-name watch from his "father", which was worth hundreds of dollars. Woolen cloth.

    Afterwards, Fan Sanya dragged Yu Mingxia around, showing off the dowry gift from Xu Wenxiu with a proud tone, until it was snowing and she couldn't go out.

    However, after her publicity, everyone knew that Xu Wenxiu and Yu Mingxia were engaged. It is said that a wedding banquet will be held after the New Year.

    As a result, who would have thought that this happened only a few days later.

    The neighbor who had been dazzled by Fan Sanya hurriedly came to comfort her:

    "Maybe it was a misunderstanding, Xu Zhiqing and Wang Zhiqing have lived in the same yard for several years, and an accident would have happened sooner."

    "Yes, yes, Sanya. Ah, if you want to be open, Xu Zhiqing is young, and it is inevitable to be a little fickle."

    "Anyway, he gave Mingxia such colorful gifts. It's hard to find such a generous son-in-law."


    Fan Sanya's face darkened little by little amid these voices.

    What is this consolation? ?

    Weasels are not so ill-intentioned when they pay New Year's greetings to chickens!

    She sent everyone out in a huff, and the people who were driven out hadn't finished venting their interest, so she pretended to be full of gossip and hurried to share with others,

    "Look at Fan Sanya's face, it's probably true. "

    I said, how can the young man from the city like her daughter, no, he hasn't entered the door yet, he has hooked up with other women outside, how can it be good to marry?"

    These sarcastic words Fan Sanya couldn't hear it.

    But she could imagine it.

    She was so angry that her eyes darkened, and she wished she could faint.

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