Chapter 31

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Chapter 31 Zhan Kun was drenched in cold sweat, and after a while...

    Zhan Kun's forehead was drenched in cold sweat, and his clothes were soaked in no time.

    At this age, the most severe pain he has ever suffered in his life is all related to Cai Suya.

    At this moment, the hatred in his heart rose to the extreme, but when he recovered from the severe pain and opened his eyes a little, the iron rod in Cai Suya's hand faintly reflected a dazzling cold light, which made his heart skip a beat, boiling hatred Overwhelmed by a strong sense of crisis, he panicked, "Cai Suya! You, what are you doing!"

    He saw Xiao Xing lying beside him from the corner of his eye, and said in a panic, "Xiao Xing is you. I raised it with my own hands, the one who lied to you and lied to you is me, he and the child are innocent in the end, can you really be cruel to him!"

    However, whether it was his screaming just now, or the current shouting, Xiao Xing He kept his eyes closed, and there was no sign of waking up.

    Cai Suya laughed softly: "Xiao Xing was beaten by the kidnapper last night, but his injuries were not serious, so he probably fainted from fright."

    "I originally wanted to send him to the hospital, but then I thought about it, if he was released, How can I bring you here?"

    Zhan Kun's face turned pale, the reason why he mentioned Xiaoxing was not simply out of fatherly love, but also because of his idea of ​​attracting Cai Suya, it is best to wake up her past love for him , so it would be better to let them go soft-hearted.

    Now it seems that Cai Suya's goal at the beginning was him.

    "Cai Suya." Zhan Kun endured the humiliation and grandeur in his heart and gritted his teeth, "Aren't you already with Song Jue? The Song family treats you well, you can marry into the Song family in the future and live a better life. Life."

    "But if you kill me today, you will break the law, and the rest of your life will be ruined by my hands!"

    "Even if you hate me again, is it necessary to pay for your good life in the future?"

    Cai Suya Raising his eyebrows, he teased in surprise, "I can't tell, Mr. Zhan can bend and stretch like this."

    The day before yesterday, he was still furious and questioning her relationship with Song Jue, and today he can use it to get himself out.

    Cai Suya's smiling eyes swept across Xiaoxing, it seems that this child's ability to judge the situation is really inherited from his father.

    "Don't worry," she said with a chuckle, "if you get angry, you will have to pay the price. I won't do this kind of loss-making business."

    Before Zhan Kun could breathe a sigh of relief, she heard her relaxed and pleasant tone again. It

    rang out, "Those cruel and violent things are of course the responsibility of the kidnappers."

    Cai Suya looked at his embarrassed face, somewhat regretful, if it weren't for the fear of leaving traces, this face would be suitable for being slapped a few times.

    She turned around and walked to the small room, where the thin man and the bald man looked at the large boxes of cash with glowing eyes, Cai Suya knocked on the iron door and drew their ideas,

    "Who are you, go and help me move Zhan Kun over here. ." The

    bald head, legs and feet can't be used, only the skinny ones are gone.     He reluctantly put down the stacks of red banknotes and kissed them heavily. At this moment, he looked at Cai Suya with more kisses than his

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