Chapter 120

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Chapter 120 Until it gets completely dark, this barbecue camping...

    The BBQ camp didn't end until it was completely dark.

    Everyone helped to pack up and then went their separate ways.

    Timing was still immersed in his own thoughts, so much that he almost bumped into Cai Suya when he was going up the stairs and turning a corner. He stared at her for a while before he seemed to come back to his senses,

    "It's you."

    "It's me. Cai Suya nodded and replied, "What are you thinking? Why do you look uneasy?" Ching Ching

    looked down at her with a very serious expression, "I was thinking, how can I make you owe me a favor. " Ching Ching

    does not often interact with people , There is almost no communication skills, but I still know the basic routine. If I can help Cai Suya do something so that she owes her a favor, it will be much easier for him to speak again.

    Ching Ching's "straightforwardness" made Cai Suya laugh and said with a smile, "Didn't I say it before? If Teacher Shi needs me, I will be happy to help you."

    "Will you teach you how to cook?" Ching Ching After pondering for a moment, he shook his head, "Not enough." The

    implication was that this favor was not enough for Cai Suya to agree to his request.

    Cai Suya asked curiously, "Why not enough?"     Tim

    raised his eyes and glanced at the camera behind the two of them lightly. After thinking for a moment, he said in a low voice, "Go back to your room and wait for me."

He walked to his own room on his own.

    She stood there in confusion, suddenly a little confused about the intention of the timing.

    It doesn't seem to be the same as what she guessed...

    Cai Suya pondered in her heart, Tim's character and thoughts seemed to be much stranger than she expected. She originally thought she had caught a clue, but it seemed that she was still looking at flowers in the fog. Unpredictable.

    Suddenly, a figure flashed from her peripheral vision, Cai Suya turned around subconsciously, with a slender body, a beautiful face, straight black hair, and a pair of beautiful eyes that were clear and frosted, and it was even more rare to have an outstanding temperament, cold and refined, which made people one-of-a-kind. It is unforgettable to see.


    She has been living in the hut for almost a week. Seriously, she hasn't spoken to Jiang Guqiu yet.

    After Cai Suya was stunned, she smiled softly, "Are you here to find me?"

    Jiang Guqiu nodded lightly, "Can you go to my room if it's convenient?"

    Cai Suya knew that Jiang Guqiu's room was the only one without a camera. It was the painting she was preparing to put on her solo exhibition, and it could not be disclosed in advance. In fact, it was the only request Jiang Guqiu made before participating in the show. She did not like to reveal her privacy to strangers at will.

    He agreed with a smile, "Okay."

    Jiang Guqiu's room was on the third floor, at the end of the corridor. Although it was a little remote, it was the largest in size because two rooms were opened.

    When Cai Suya walked into the room, the first thing she saw was an empty room that looked to the end. There was no furniture such as a sofa or TV. There was only an easel, and paint brushes scattered on the ground. The high table covered with light white cloth was half full. She bought a brand new unopened drawing board, drawing tools, etc., and the other half piled up in a pile should be her completed paintings.

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