Chapter 142

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Chapter 142 How Cai Suqing will use public opinion, how to speak...

    How to use public opinion and how to morally kidnap the application of these two knowledges by Cai Suqing is consummate.

    She is Cai Suya's sister, no one can stop the two from interacting and getting close. Otherwise, Cai Suya will cut off from her sister as soon as she married into a wealthy family. When others hear it, one spit can cover her up.

    It turned out that Cai Suya did not refuse her visit, but Fulun who refused.

    As he grew older, his handsome face became more charismatic and indifferent, his condescending gaze fell on Cai Suqing like an ice pick, making her feel uncomfortable,

    "I don't want you to have a bad influence on my wife." Cai     Suqing

    was startled, forced to calm down, frowned, and said disapprovingly, "I am Su Ya's sister, can I still harm her?"

She looks coldly at others harming her and ignores her, it doesn't seem like a real sister should do, right?"

    Cai Suqing heard the words and became more and more guilty. I, I admit that when Su Ya became an adult, I was busy with my own life, and I may have something to take care of her, but I have absolutely no intention of harming her, she is my sister, how can I harm her?"     Fu Lun squinted, and the flash of cold light made Cai Suqing shiver uncontrollably. Fortunately, she manipulated people's hearts and never overturned before meeting Fu Lun. Seeing this, she quickly said,     "I'm willing to make up for it!"     "I can do anything for Suya!"     She could see that Fu Lun hated her just for Cai Suya.     Sure enough, as soon as these words were spoken, the hostility between Fu Lun's expression was not so heavy.     "Really?"     "Really!" Cai Suqing nodded heavily, her eyes so sincere that she could not wait to pull out her heart.     So, Fu Lun gave her a task.

    Since you want to compensate Cai Suya, let's take revenge for her.

    Qin Shaoqi, the people around him, Cai Suqing's old friends, the people who formed a group to slander and attack Cai Suya, Cai Suqing can clean up these people, even if she makes up for her fault.

    Cai Suqing hesitated for a while, then gritted his teeth and agreed.

    She is not reluctant, those so-called friends who gave up Cai Suya before, and now ignore her, she is very happy to ask Cai Suqing to deal with them.

    The only tricky thing is Qin Shaoqi.

    Cai Suqing finally made up his mind and said to Fu Lun, "I need your help."

    When Qin Shaoqi was infatuated with her and had no defense against her, even if it was a company secret, he never avoided her.

    Cai Suqing actually has Qin Shaoqi's handle, but no one around her dared to take this handle before, and they did not dare to tear their face with Qin Shaoqi to the point of death.

    They are afraid, but Fu Lun is not afraid.

    He has wanted to deal with Qin Shaoqi for a long time, don't think he doesn't know, that kid has been obsessed with his wife, where's the face? I don't even think about how he treated her in the first place, and now he regrets it?


    So, with Fu Lun's secret help, Cai Suqing's sniping against Qin Shaoqi was very successful. She also knew that she really angered Qin Shaoqi this time.

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