Chapter 147

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Chapter 147 Cai Suya came to Shengde on the first day with Xi Mu...

    On the first day Cai Suya came to Shengde, she came in the same car with Xi Mu, because this was an order from Xi Tongfang, even Xi Mu could not refuse.

    However, before he got off the car, he gave her three warnings:

    first, do not reveal her relationship with the Xi family to anyone;

    second, do not talk to him;

    third, do not approach him within ten meters .

    This kind of childish and ridiculous condition seems very speechless to Cai Suya today, but Xi Mu still has the face to mention it herself, she couldn't hold back,

    "Are you talking about those words that are similar to the harsh words when elementary school students broke up with each other? ?"

    Xi Mu's expression was a little unbearable, and there were a few traces of fire in the eyes staring at her, "What did you say?"

    Cai Suya curved her lips without much sincerity, "Young Master Xi, don't worry, if you I didn't make a sound just now, and I didn't find you at all."

    "So you don't need to..."     She

    paused, as if trying to find a more subtle word, but it didn't work.

He opened his eyes, and he was both frightened and disbelieving, "Cai Suya! How dare you..."

    Cai Suya suddenly raised her hand and made a stop gesture in front of him, "I advise you to shut up in time, if you say more , what you want to hide," she glanced at Lu Fanqiao and He Ziqian meaningfully, "maybe someone guessed it."

    "After all, no one is a fool."

    Cai Suya was more and more confused . What did Mu Nao Circuit think? Xi Tongfang's new wife not only came from ordinary background, but also brought a teenage daughter to marry into a wealthy family. Such big news has long been passed, and many people know what to do when they hear her name. matter.

    Otherwise, Cai Suya was originally low-key and introverted and had no sense of existence. If others could not be sure that she had no support behind her, how could they dare to be so embarrassing against her?

    Xi Mu also said to let her hide her relationship with the Xi family?

    how is this possible?

    Thinking of this, she suddenly looked at Xi Mu with a little bit of vigilance and deep meaning in her eyes. This kid didn't do it on purpose, right?

    When you turn around and use this to point at her and ignore the warning, then you can justifiably make things difficult for her?

    "You!" Xi Mu was angry, his face was gloomy and uncertain, he stared at Cai Suya, and a look of doubt flashed across his eyes.

    He obviously also discovered the great changes that had taken place in Cai Suya, but he couldn't figure out the reason, so he had to blame her for the fact that she had been pretending all the time, which shows how deep this woman's scheming is.

    As Cai Suya said, just looking at Xi Mu's reaction, Lu Fanqiao and He Ziqian easily connected Cai Suya with the new wife who married into the Xi family a few months ago.

    "So it's you." Lu Fanqiao let out a meaningful sigh.

    He Ziqian also sat up straight, "Are you the one with the surname of Cai?"

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