Chapter 148

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Chapter 148 Cai Suya from that "idler can't enter"...

    The news that Cai Suya came out of the special building that "cannot be entered by idlers" was passed on to the campus forum as news in a short while, and there was a bright red word "Boom" in front of it. There are hundreds of fearful comments, which shows the popularity.

    Everyone knows that Xi Mu said that he wanted to drive Cai Suya out of Shengde. Lu Fanqiao and others also agreed with him, as if they had the same attitude as Xi Mu, and they didn't like Cai Suya very much, so their followers were only one by one. , can't wait to jump out, and try his best to force Cai Suya out of Shengde.

    Since they all hate her so much, how could they allow Cai Suya to set foot in their territory?

    If you are called to teach him a lesson, you can look at the photos taken secretly on the forum. Cai Suya looks relaxed, with a faint smile on his lips. He has a calm and gentle body that he has never seen before. If it is not for the person who posted it, he swears that this is Cai Suya. , many people who have seen her dare not recognize her.

    Some people don't know He Ziqian's attitude, so they don't dare to provoke Cai Suya for the time being.

    But there are so few who have winks, and many more people originally treated her with contempt and joking malice, but now after being shocked, they have ignited the unwillingness and hatred buried in their hearts.

    Obviously they were treated like toys by them, so how could they make the four high-ranking young masters treat them differently?

    In terms of family background, looks, and studies, after comparing themselves with Cai Suya, they are more certain that she has absolutely nothing to do with it.

    The reason why it caught the attention of those few must be some tricks secretly used.

    Cai Suya just came out and followed the path back to the teaching building.

    Although Sidley is only a high school, it covers more area than many universities. It is just a small garden with a quiet and beautiful environment, shaded flowers, pavilions and waterside pavilions. Compared with some tourist resorts and Internet celebrity attractions Not bad.

    It's a pity that such a beautiful and comfortable scenery needs a few more annoying things.

    "Cai Suya, stop!"

    Several aggressive girls came out of the side off guard and blocked her way.

    The head's black hair was highlighted with a few strands of bright red, which was particularly conspicuous in the sun. Cai Suya easily dug out her name from memory. Jiang Nianlei was one of the vice presidents of the Lu Fanqiao Support Association.

    "How can you enter the first floor? Who allowed you to enter!" Jiang Nianlei hugged her chest and looked at her coldly with undisguised hostility in her eyes.

    Cai Suya looked around on the faces of the people in front of her, and said with a smile, "Are you sure you want to listen?"

    "I'm worried that the answer will make you sad."

    Jiang Nianlei raised her eyebrows and said anxiously, "What do you mean!"

    "Could it be that Brother Lu told you to go? Cai Suya, don't be ashamed!"

    "Since you don't believe it," Cai Suya said lightly, "Why are you asking me?"

    "You!" Jiang Nianlei is a grumpy , the girls behind her didn't get any better, and they were about to rush over when she was angry, but Jiang Nianlei reached out to stop her, she was rarely able to bear her temper when it came to matters related to Lu Fanqiao,

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