Chapter 77

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Chapter 77 Xiang Dingguo is really unexpected. To be honest, he...

    Xiang Dingguo really did not expect it.

    To be honest, he always felt that his daughter-in-law was the most virtuous and gentle among his brothers. Compared with the petty family members of the second family, the eyes of the third family were higher than the top. Taking care of her mother-in-law, even Aunt Xiang's temperamental temper treats her as her own daughter.

    So even if Xiang Dingguo always wanted a son in his heart, when it comes to Jiang Daping, he is not dissatisfied at all. He deeply feels that if the two daughters are as virtuous and capable as their mothers, there will be no need to worry in the future.

    But he didn't expect that the Spring Equinox would be afraid of her mother being like this.

    Even when she was a child, when she was ignorant, Xiang Dingguo didn't see her cry so badly.

    After all, she was the first daughter, and she looked like him. How could Xiang Dingguo not be in pain, and he didn't care about anything. He hurriedly brought the spring equinox over and coaxed her not to cry.

    "I..." Jiang Daping was also dumbfounded. Mainly when she taught the Spring Equinox before, the child would either obediently bow her head and listen, or apologize with tears in her eyes. If the Spring Equinox didn't kiss her father, she would have the guts to sue one day. It should also be directed at Aunt Xiang.

    "I, I am her mother, not a stepmother, how can I have her?" She was very dissatisfied with Xiang Dingguo's suspicious eyes.

    Xiang Dingguo obviously didn't believe it, "Then how can the Spring Equinox cry so hard?"

    Jiang Daping said angrily, "She's lazy and doesn't work, what's wrong with me saying something to her? She's so lazy, what will happen after it spreads out? Good marriage!"

    It was the same in the past, every time Jiang Daping reprimanded the Spring Equinox, he always caught her fault first, Xiang Dingguo didn't have much to say, he was still the old idea, and the child should be taken care of by her mother.

    But this time the Spring Equinox cried so badly that after a while, his voice was hoarse, and Xiang Dingguo couldn't bear it, "Okay, watching her cry like this, the child knows it's wrong, don't blame her, let's go. Can't it be done after the second change?"

    Jiang Daping also planned to step down the steps, "Oh, forget it, you can change your clothes first, and you can eat."

    As he was talking, Cai Suya's voice came from outside the house, "Big brother, big sister-in-law?"

    Xiang Dingguo had no impression of this new three siblings who lived under the same roof. Ying,


    He gave Jiang Daping a wink and told her to open the door.

    But before she could move, Cai Suya had already opened the door and came in by herself. She turned her eyes and landed on Xiang Dingguo's little crying face on the Spring Equinox. Her slender brows were lightly wrinkled, and she brought out the Feeling a little distressed,

    "I heard the Spring Equinox crying, so I rushed over to see, is there anything wrong?"

    Jiang Daping forced a smile, "It's okay, the child is squeamish, if I say a few words to her, she will act like a spoiled child with her father. It'll be all right in a while."

    Cai Suya breathed a sigh of relief, "I see, I thought you were beating the child, sister-in-law."

    "Oh, is it for the afternoon? Don't blame the spring equinox, it's me who came to the brigade. I haven't bothered to go up the mountain for several years, and now I'm a little free now, so I asked the Spring Equinox to take me for a walk. We also overplayed and forgot about the ten bundles of firewood."

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