Chapter 125

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Chapter 125 Fu Lun regretted it. To be precise, with my own eyes...

    Fu Lun regretted it.

    To be precise, when he watched Qin Shaoqi and Cai Suya get into the car together, the slight regrets that appeared over and over again finally added up and made him uncomfortable.

    Two couples went out on a date together today, at least for the long way out of the cottage, they were both side by side.

    From the rearview mirror, Fu Lun could see the car that Cai Suya and Qin Shaoqi were riding, and occasionally, he could see the intimate behavior of the two whispering and whispering.

    "Arun?" Zhao Fei couldn't help calling him. Along the way, she watched Fu Lun gradually move to the window of the car. She wanted to go out and stare at every move of the car behind her, "It's windy today, I'm a little cold, you Can you close the car window a little?"

    In her memory, Fu Lun never refused her request.

    Zhao Fei himself understands the sense of proportion and will not do things that challenge Fu Lun's bottom line. It is another reason that Fu Lun himself, under the guidance of his mother, keeps his manners and habits.

    Hearing her words, he hesitated for a while and closed the car window.

    Seeing this, Zhao Fei's face was soft, and just as he was about to say something, he saw Fu Lun take out his mobile phone - when guests go out on a date, for convenience, they will temporarily return their mobile phones to them.

    He said, "Then let me call her."

    Zhao Fei: ?

    She was stunned to see Fu Lun take out her mobile phone. She didn't rummage through the address book, but typed a series of numbers directly,     "


    "Where are you going?"

I was willing to admit and also found out that Fu Lun didn't take going out with her today as a serious date at all.

    On the other side, Cai Suya received a call and was a little surprised, "Why did you call me?"

    Fu Lun said, "I don't know where to go, so I'll ask you guys."

    Cai Suya laughed, "You can't ask me every day on your own date."

    Qin Shaoqi frowned slightly beside him, his stern expression became more and more frightening under the background of his deep eyes, he simply stretched out his hand, directly from Cai Suya He grabbed the phone in his hand,

    "If you have any questions about your date, you should discuss it with your own girlfriend."

    Fu Lun was silent for a moment, and let out a disapproving chuckle, "I'm not looking for mine now. A female companion?"

    "Although you are sitting next to her now, but make sure, at least this week, she and I are a couple."

    [Yo hoo! 】

    【Yo hoo! 】

    【Yo hoo! 】

    【Fight up fight up! 】

    【I love Shura Field! ! ! Excited to the point of rubbing hands.jpg]

    Qin Shaoqi raised his eyebrows, not afraid at all, "Since you agreed to someone else's invitation, you voluntarily gave up your identity,

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