Chapter 88

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Chapter 88 Yu Mingxia feels that Xiang Dingbang seems to remember her...

    Yu Mingxia felt that Xiang Dingbang seemed to be different from what she remembered.

    Or has it been so long that she forgot?

    In her impression, Xiang Dingbang has always been indifferent and taciturn, especially with a pair of sharp and intimidating eyes, which seems to be able to see her hidden thoughts at a glance. At that time, Yu Mingxia liked Xu Wenxiu wholeheartedly, and Xiang Dingbang It was a completely different type from Xu Wenxiu, which caused her to only reject and dislike him.

    Similarly, after she became disgusted with Xu Wenxiu, Xiang Dingbang became the perfect husband that she longed for.

    But now, when he talked about Cai Suya, the cold and sharp light in his deep eyes disappeared, replaced by a slightly soft halo in his seriousness, which made her feel even more unfamiliar.

    "But, but," Yu Mingxia was caught off guard and stammered, "She lied to you."

    Xiang Dingbang asked her, "Do you have any evidence?"

    Yu Mingxia's eyes lit up and couldn't wait to say, "If you don't believe me, Ask Xu Wenxiu to come and testify, after I got married, I really never interacted with him again, the rumors we had before must have been spread on purpose!"

    Someone hinted that it was Cai Suya.

    "You don't communicate," Xiang Dingbang said lightly, "Isn't it the result of my mother's strict supervision?"

    In fact, Cai Suya can stay at home and earn work points now, thanks to Yu Mingxia.

    Half a month after she married Xiang Dingbang, he returned to the army.

    Yu Mingxia knew that she and Xu Wenxiu had no future and should not think about him anymore. But staying in the same village every day, how could they not meet?

    Besides, Xu Wenxiu is also an unprofitable person. He doesn't plan to marry Yu Mingxia, but he is happy to take advantage of her. The current situation is the most beneficial to him.

    Aunt Xiang was already a little suspicious, and she secretly stared at Yu Mingxia's every move, she couldn't care, and Jiang Daping helped. So Yu Mingxia had just met Xu Wenxiu by chance and said a few words, and she knew from the other end.     Although Aunt Xiang didn't see any tricks between them, she thought of the rumors before Yu Mingxia got married, and she secretly raised her guard. In the name of her distressed little daughter-in-law, Yu Mingxia was not allowed to work, and she was only responsible for the household's work.     Then it was Cai Suya's turn. Aunt Xiang wanted her to be better than Yu Mingxia's, so she had to treat her better.     This proves that Yu Mingxia's divorce is entirely her own ambition, and she is the best mother-in-law.     After hearing Xiang Dingbang's words, Yu Mingxia's face turned pale.     In fact, she hadn't met Xu Wenxiu a few times since she got married, and it was because of this that her longing and love gradually accumulated to a certain extent, and she was told to give up and have to get a divorce.     After all, Yu Mingxia grew up in Yu's family all her life, she was well-fed, and her elder brother loved her.     The more she can't get it, the more she can't forget it and can't let it go.     Xu Wenxiu was like this, and so was Xiang Dingbang.     It's been too long, she can't remember where she was with Xu Wenxiu when she was young. After hearing this, Yu Mingxia thought that Aunt Xiang had caught the iron proof of her cheating and told Xiang Dingbang.     "Dingbang," Yu Mingxia's voice added a hint of guilt, making her voice more delicate, "I'm the first daughter-in-law you have married anyway, do you really have no affection for me at all?"     She could no longer mention Xu Wenxiu.     Simply change the number of ways, try to move people with affection.     She opened a pair of big tender eyes and looked over with hope. If it was someone else, no matter how hard her heart was, she would be softened by her gaze.     However, Xiang Dingbang has seen many people begging for mercy in front of him, and each one is more sincere than Yu Mingxia.

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